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          Making the
                    Most Important Meal

                              Navy Galley Menus Give Sailors                       Even Better
                                 Healthy Breakfast Choices

                ith the Navy standard core
           Wmenu as a guide, Torgerson
          Hall Galley at Joint Expeditionary
          Base Little Creek-Fort Story, Va., plans
          well-balanced, nutritious meals for
          modern health-conscious sailors on
          tight schedules.
             A key to that goal is to create a
          better dining experience by featuring
          onsite meal production along with                                                 A Waffle Bar and other specialty
          a choice of five live-action specialty                        Assorted breads and fruits   serving stations give sailors at
          bars, ranging from freshly cooked                             are convenient options that   Torgerson Hall Galley and other
          chicken and waffles to Mongolian                              Torgerson Hall Galley makes   ashore galleys greater variety.
                                                                                              (PHOTO BY MASN SAVANNAH
                                                                        available for sailors to pick
          barbecue, in addition to the tradi-                            up and take with them.  PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE.)
                                                                                                O’BYRNE, JEBLCFS, VA.,
          tional main line.
             During the dinner meal time only,                         bread bar and cereal bar.”
          Torgerson Hall Galley operates “Cook                            Further expanding the variety of healthy morn-
          N Fresh,” a mini food court in the                           ing choices available in the galley are oats, cinna-
          main dining room, where sailors can                          mon, nuts, raisins and avocado, as well as papaya,
          choose from a variety of wholesome,                          mango, kale and spinach.
          fresh and healthy meal options.                                 A few items that are available at breakfast also
             “The initiative behind ‘Cook N   Smoothies are one of the healthy grab-and-go   carry over throughout the day. Beverage bar and
          Fresh’ is to offer customers the oppor-  options that Torgerson Hall Galley offers sailors   fruit drinks, for example, are available for all three
                                          to accommodate their busy work schedules.
          tunity to observe their meals freshly   (PHOTO BY MASN SAVANNAH O’BYRNE, JEBLCFS, VA.,   meals, while sailors can enjoy smoothies only dur-
          prepared right before their eyes,” said   PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE.)  ing breakfast and lunch.
          chief warrant officer 3 Jeffrey Walker, the galley’s food ser-  “The variety of fruit drinks and smoothie selections stays
          vice officer. “The ultimate goal is to eliminate the ‘back of   the same throughout the day, and are based on prime vendor
          the house’ meal production, and bring all meal production   availability,” Walker said.
          to the ‘front of the house’ within the main dining room,   This variety of nutritionally valuable fuel helps to give sail-
          introducing our customers to freshly prepared recipes along   ors the energy they need to perform physically and mentally,
          with new and fresh ingredients, herbs, spices, by utilizing a   while helping jumpstart their metabolism to burn calories
          variety of cooking methods.”                        throughout the day, he explained, referencing research from
             Torgerson Hall Galley accommodates the busy schedule   WebMD.
          of sailors and warfighters with meals available for 11 and a   Similarly, Mercer Hall Galley at Naval Base San Diego is
          half consecutive hours from morning through evening. Traffic   revising menu choices with better nutrition and dietary goals
          volume ranges from 140 to 160 for breakfast, which is from   in mind, as well as to promote healthy eating. Special serv-
          6 a.m. to 10 a.m., peaks at between 180 and 260 for lunch,   ing stations are increasingly common in the dining facilities,
          which is served from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and averages from   and are being used during breakfast to increase meal variety.
          100 to 150 at dinner, which is 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.     “Mercer Hall Galley has a variety of specialty stations to
                                                              include crepe and waffle bars,” said Chief Warrant Officer 4
          BREAKFAST                                           Cesar Valencia, the galley’s food service officer.
             Since breakfast is considered the most important meal   Even greater variety is created with the assorted smoothies
          of the day, Walker makes sure that Torgerson Hall Galley   and other fruit drinks available in the galley, such as apple,
          provides sailors with a variety of healthy and convenient   orange, lemonade, grape, grapefruit, cranberry, pineapple,
          choices beyond the traditional assortment for morning meals.  passion, orange and guava. “Banana, strawberry and mango
             “Besides traditional breakfast items, we offer healthy choices,   flavors are available,” Valencia said. “Smoothies are provided
          such as turkey sausages, egg whites, jalapenos, yogurt, healthy   as beverages, meal and/or snacks, and they are self-serve.”
          fruit juices, soy milks, rye bread, etc.,” he said. “Additionally,   On average, breakfast, which is available in Mercer Hall
          we accommodate our patrons’ demanding schedules by offer-  Galley between 6 a.m. and 7:30 a.m., represents about a third
          ing grab-n-go items on our smoothie bar, fruit bar, assorted   of daily galley volume, putting it on par with the dinner
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