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          hours, according to Valen-  Serving stations are increasingly
          cia. “Sailors take advantage   common in military dining facilities
          of breakfast to fuel up and   to increase meal variety, and Naval
                                  Base San Diego’s Mercer Hall Galley
          obtain energy prior to their   uses them during breakfast, as well.
          normal business of the day.”
             Lunch is the galley’s busiest meal of the day.
             Convenient grab-n-go breakfast options are becoming
          more useful at Mercer Hall, and are rising as a share of
          the menu items available to fuel sailors
          for the day ahead. “We accommodate
          different schedules and circumstances,”
          he said. “It is just a matter of prior plan-
          ning between tenant commands and
          our staff.”
             The standard breakfast menu assort-
          ment in Mercer Hall features a variety of                               Red labels go on performance-limiting
          entrées, including grilled minute steak,                                foods and beverages, which are con-
          breakfast ham steak, bacon (pork/tur-                                   sidered the least-effective fuel and
          key), pork/turkey sausage patties, Texas                                should be eaten rarely.
          hash (beef/turkey), Canadian bacon,                                        A saltshaker graphic is a guide
          corned beef hash, breakfast burrito (tur-                               to the sodium content in foods and
          key/pork), minced beef and creamed                                      beverages, and helps service mem-
          ground beef.                                                            bers to make choices that boost their
             Hot and cold cereals are alterna-  Sailors at Naval Base San Diego’s   performance, readiness and health.
          tives to the entrées. These include hot   Mercer Hall galley have a choice   Torgerson Hall Galley also features a plate of the day to
          oatmeal, hot farina, hominy grits and   of standard breakfast entrées on   further simplify meal decisions. “When customers come
                                           the traditional serving line and
          assorted variety cereal packs.   more options at serving stations.  to dine at our facility, we have a sample food plate display
             Breads complement any breakfast                    indicating the recommended plate of the day (G4G choice)
          menu, and the assortment at Mercer Hall is diverse: wheat,   at the entrance,” he said. “Also, there are color-coded menu
          white, rye, multigrain, raisin, bagels, English muffins, crois-  labels posted at the cashier’s register to make our customers
          sants and biscuits.                                 aware of the menu for the day. After our customers proceed
                                                              to the serving line, there will be detailed identical menu cards
          NUTRITION                                           indicating the food/beverage name, food color code, and
             Nutrition is a growing emphasis in the Navy, and throughout   sodium level for various customers’ dietary needs.”
          the military. In the Navy, all afloat and ashore general messes   Revised cooking methods at Torgerson Hall Galley contrib-
          operate on a 21-day standard core menu. Ashore galleys and   ute to improving the nutritional value of the meals served to
          the different platforms of ships each have their own specific   sailors. “We revised our cooking methods by utilizing batch
          versions tailored to unique environments.           cooking in the Rational ovens and on the grill instead of
             Standard core menus developed for large-deck ships include   the traditional deep-fat fryer to reduce calories; adding less
          various specialty bars in addition to the normal requirements.  or no beef base for decreased sodium level; and using less or
             The Navy’s Mid-Atlantic Region, which includes JEB Little   no butter for decreased fat intake,” Walker said.
          Creek-Fort Story, developed its own standard core menu in
          response to customer input, and updates it quarterly based on   NEY WINNERS
          the recommendations of the food service officer in the region   Torgerson Hall Galley at JEB Little Creek-Fort Story is the
          and comments received during regular menu review boards.  Navy Ney Award Small General Mess category winner for
             In January 2016, the Navy launched its Go for Green (G4G)   2017. Its specialty bars, balance of manpower and smooth
          program in response to the secretary of the Navy’s direction   operation caught the Ney judges’ attention. “It takes a well-
          to advance nutrition efforts to provide healthier eating op-  organized plan, open and active communication, and qual-
          tions in conjunction with Physical Readiness Program policy   ity assurance from everyone in the food service division to
          changes in 2015.                                    achieve this goal,” Walker concluded. “Our notion in achiev-
             “G4G is a food identification system designed to help   ing excellence in food service is closely tied to enhancing the
          service members identify healthy food and beverage choices   service members’ quality of life and boosting morale, which
          while dining in military galleys,” Walker said.     is recognized perhaps more now than ever before.”
             Its three traffic light color codes guide sailors to select   Mercer Hall Galley at Naval Base San Diego is the Navy
          performance foods and beverages that are designated with   Ney Award Large General Mess category winner for 2017.
          a green label, more frequently than other options. Yellow   Comments Valencia and the galley team received from judges
          indicates moderate-performance foods and beverages that   regarding its performance during breakfast were that the menu
          provide less effective fuel and should be eaten occasionally.   was well planned, prepared and executed.       —GFS
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