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          DLA Director Introduces Himself at a Town Hall and Sets Goals

               rmy Lt. Gen. Darrell Williams used his first town hall
           Aas Defense Logistics Agency Headquarters director to
          introduce himself to employees and share his strategic goals.
             For the town hall, Williams returned to the
          same McNamara Auditorium stage where
          just three weeks earlier he stood to be
          promoted and assume responsibility
          for the agency.
             “I just couldn’t see making mul-
          tiple visits out to other areas of the
          enterprise without first getting a                               Army Lt. Gen. Darrell Williams, left, poses with, left to
          chance to talk to the people that                                right, Employees of the Quarter Candace Fahey and Carisa
                                                                           Blanc, as well as their fellow “DLA Director’s ‘Ya Done
          work in this building that I will                                Good’ Certificate of Achievement” winners Beverly Hicks
          personally and professionally rely                               and Nancy Howell (Gregory Cummings not pictured), at
                                                                                   the July 6 Director’s Town Hall.
          upon to synchronize the efforts of                                       (PHOTO BY TEODORA MOCANU, DLA HQ)
          this great agency of 25,000 people
          worldwide,” he said.                                         Reserve Force and Candace Fahey of DLA In-
             Williams became the 19th director                         stallation Support, as well as to the organizers
          of DLA in a June 16 ceremony at the   Defense Logistics Agency Director Army   of the June 27 HQC Family Day, Beverly Hicks,
          McNamara Headquarters Complex    Lt. Gen. Darrell Williams speaks to the DLA   Gregory Cummings and Nancy Howell, all of
                                           Headquarters workforce about his personal
          (HQC), Fort Belvoir, Va., during which   and professional goals.   Installation Support.
          he also was promoted to lieutenant   (PHOTO BY TEODORA MOCANU, DLA HQ)  Williams then outlined his family and edu-
          general from major general. He re-                           cational background, interest in sports, personal
          placed Air Force Lt. Gen. Andrew Busch, who retired as   priorities and management philosophy. He said all these things
          DLA director on May 11.                             shaped who he is and led him to his guiding principle, “If you
             This is his second assignment with DLA; his first was   take care of your people, the mission will happen,” he said.
          as commander of DLA Land and Maritime in Columbus,     The director said the first thing DLA employees could
          Ohio, from September 2010 to July 2012. He also served   expect of him is engaged leadership.
          previously as the commanding general of the U.S. Army   “You can have the greatest level of technical expertise
          Combined Arms Support Command/Sustainment Center    in the world, but without a leader that guides, shapes and
          of Excellence at Fort Lee, Va.                      provides strategic direction for the team, the mission simply
             “I’m certainly familiar with our business … but being   does not happen,” he said.
          your DLA director is at a totally different scale, and I have   The director introduced new leaders, Army Maj. Gen.
          phenomenal respect for this level of responsibility,” he said.   Mark Johnson, incoming director of DLA Logistics Opera-
          “I want to support our warfighter first, but internally, I   tions (replacing Navy Rear Adm. Vincent Griffith); Gretchen
          want to make sure that I am representing the great work   Anderson, director of DLA Finance, who replaced Tony Po-
          that you do on a daily basis.”                      leo; and Navy Command Master Chief Shaun Brahmsteadt,
             Williams thanked the audience for welcoming him and   who will succeed Army Command Sgt. Maj. Charles Tobin
          his family. He introduced his wife of 29 years, Myra, who   as senior enlisted leader.
          was present at the event.                              During his June 16 promotion ceremony, Williams high-
             Williams believes in clear strategic guidance, priorities   lighted the importance of his family, and recalled his initial
          and direction. “Right now, we have a great strategic plan   service in Reserve Officers’ Training Corps as an obligatory
          … starting with ‘Warfighter First,’” he said. He noted that   means toward a scholarship, but noted, “Somewhere along
          that priority would not change, but other aspects of the   the path, I fell in love with our troops and families and
          plan would be emphasized more, such as the whole of   bought into the idea of service before self.”
          government and rapid deployment initiatives.           Williams concluded by thanking troops and civilians
             Other areas Williams said he would like to high-  and former agency directors, especially former DLA Direc-
          light are inclusive decision-making, accountabil-   tor Busch, who retired May 11 but could not be present
          ity and continued focus on people and culture.      at the ceremony.
          Williams said taking care of people isn’t limited to rewarding   Early in his career, Williams said he had a hard time
          them but also means holding them to a standard.     believing this promotion would come, but he now faces
             “We do have to take care of people, and I really do believe   the opportunity with “confident humility — confident
          in treating everyone with dignity and respect,” he said.  that the military has provided me with the requisite back-
             Williams began by presenting what he branded “DLA   ground experience, yet humbled by the enormity of the
          Director’s ‘Ya Done Good’ Certificates of Achievement” to   responsibility for leading a critical, global Department of
          Employees of the Quarter Carisa Blanc of the DLA Joint   Defense agency.”
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