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                                               Travis AFB Culinary Specialists Gain

                                                Executive Chef’s Napa Know-How

                                                     ith 35 years of culinary experience,
                                               Wfour years in the Navy and an
                                              appreciation for the challenges fac-
                                              ing military food service specialists,
                                              award-winning Napa Valley, Calif.,
                                              chef Maynard Oestreich had the
                                              right ingredients to be offered the
                                              executive chef position with the
                                              60th Force Support Squadron at
                                              Travis Air Force Base, Calif.
                                                 “I wasn’t looking for a Gordon
                                              Ramsay type of chef who was going
                                              to get in your face and intimidate you,”
                                              said Elvis Lindsey, the Aramark area gen-
                                              eral manager who hired Oestreich. “One
                                              of the things I was looking for when I was
                                              hiring a chef was someone who not only   Maynard Oestreich, executive chef for
                                              went to culinary school and had a palate,   Aramark at Travis Air Force Base, Calif.,
                                              but also someone who could be a coach   explains his dish during the BIBIM Box tast-
                                              and mentor to our airmen.”           ing featuring Korean food at the Sierra Inn
                                                                                   Dining Facility. He left a job as a chef in
                                                 It turns out that was just the opportunity   Napa Valley, Calif., to mentor young airmen.
                                              to lure Oestreich from working in one of   (PHOTO BY LOUIS BRISCESE, USAF)
                                              the most competitive culinary regions of
                                              the world to an Air Force base.
                                                 “Originally I wasn’t looking for a job, but this made sense for me for where
                                              I am in my life,” said Oestreich. “When I was told that I would be directly
                                              impacting airmen and mentoring them, I knew this is what I wanted to do.”
                                                 Since taking over the executive chef position, Oestreich has made a huge
                                              impact at Travis. “Since he’s been settled in with us at the Sierra Inn Dining
                                              Facility and Delta Breeze Club doing the meals, I’ve heard nothing but great
                                              things,” said Maj. Naomi Henigin, 60th FSS commander. “I heard from several
                                              base leaders that the latest Airmen Leadership School graduation meal was
                                              the ‘best ever.’”
                                                 The staff is benefiting from Oestreich’s presence as well. Tech. Sgt. Reginald
                                              Brown, 60th FSS production manager, Sierra Inn Dining Facility, said his per-
                                              sonality and consistency really stand out.
                                                 “Chef has come in and reinvigorated the staff, especially the younger staff
                                              who need a positive example with what can be done in this culinary field,”
                                              said Brown. “He’s great in the kitchen with creating menus from scratch, and
                                              provides one-on-one sessions with our novice airmen.”
                                                 A 1987 graduate of the Culinary Academy in San Francisco, Oestreich has
                                              worked extensively in the Bay Area and Napa Valley ever since. He worked
                                              at the famed Silverado Country Club in Napa Valley, where he won several
                                              culinary awards and cooked for many famous people, such as King Juan Carlos
                                              of Spain, Bob Dylan, Joe Montana and Arnold Palmer.
                                                 “I bring 35 years of experience to Travis where I’ve worked in the hotel
                                              and resort industry,” said Oestreich. “One of the things I want to instill in the
                                              cooks is if you care about what you do, the results will show in your food.”
                                                 One of the pleasant surprises for Oestreich since his arrival has been the
                                              positive attitude and the receptiveness of the cooks.
                                                 “There’s nothing right now in my life more satisfying than mentoring young
                                              people,” said Oestreich. “Travis has a great reputation throughout the Air Force
                                              as being one of the premiere dining facilities. People often come here to see
                                              how we do our processes, which is a great measure of the success we’ve had.”
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