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                                                                                        Dance and the Kagura Dance.
                                                                                           The Eisa involves taiko
                                                                                        drums, folk songs, chants and
                                                                                        whistles, originally performed
                                                                                        as a way to give spirits a good
                                                                                           The Kagura is a form of
                                                                                        music and dance dedicated to
                                                                                        the Shinto gods. Actors with
                                                                                        masks, swords and dragon cos-
                                                                                        tumes danced while musicians
                                                                                        played drums, flutes and other
                                                                                        instruments for dramatic effect.
                                                                                           “We want to bring all the
                                                                                        cultures to you, the food, the
                                              Station residents make sushi during the   happiness and everything to-
                                              Japanese American Society’s 60th Annual   gether in this community,” said Shibazaki
                                              Culture Festival. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance   in his closing remarks to the audience.
                                                       Cpl. Carlos Jimenez)
                                                                                “And to extend out and make friends
                                                                                with the Japanese community.”
                                             opportunity to pound rice in an usu, a   JAS’s mission is to strengthen the
                                             large wooden bowl, with a kine (a pestal   bonds of friendship and understanding
                                             used with the usu) to make mochi, or   between Americans and Japanese locals.
                                             rice cakes. Mochi-tsuki is an important   “This base is strategically important
                                             Japanese traditional event in preparation   to both the American and Japanese people
             A volunteer for the Japanese Ameri-  for the new year.             and our government,” said U.S. Marine
             can Society teaches an American child   Tables were then set together where   Corps Col. Richard F. Fuerst, command-
             how to write “Rainbow” in calligraphy   people made and ate a long sushi roll.  ing officer of MCAS Iwakuni. “We want
             during the festival. (U.S. Marine Corps photo   The final two acts of the festival were   to continue to foster that relationship and
                  by Lance Cpl. Carlos Jimenez)
                                             dance performances: the Eisa Okinawan   the Japanese American Society does that.”

                                                                                    Navy Food Service
                                                                                     Ashore Solutions

                                                                                    Conference Set for                                                                                   Linenless Solutions
                                                                                         San Diego                                                                                        LUXURY MEETING & BANQUET FURNITURE

                                                                                       ore than 100 Navy Food
                                                                                  MService personnel are ex-
                                                                                 pected to attend the International
                                                                                 Foodservice Manufacturers Associa-
                                                                                 tion (IFMA) 2017 Navy Foodser-
                                                                                 vice Ashore Solutions Conference
                                                                                 on June 12-15 at the Admiral Kidd
                                                                                 Catering & Conference Center on
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                                                                                 ego.                                                 & FUTURE SAVINGS
                                                                                    The conference features a two-   
                                                                                 day trade show, which allows at-                                                                         Southern Aluminum provides high-end meeting and
                                                                                 tendees to see the latest products                                                                         banquet furniture built to withstand the vigorous
                                                                                 from the 50 manufacturers expected                                                                                  demands of military clubs.
                                                                                 to attend.
                                                                                    “This is the best opportunity
                                                                                 for the manufacturing community
                                                                                 to meet with this agency group,”
                                                                                 said Steve Hammel, Navy Region
                                                                                 Southwest Dining Services program
                                                                                 manager. “It is the only time of year
                                                                                 both groups come together.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Linenless Table Company

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