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Housing Managers, Project Owners Gather for Workshop

                roviding quality and affordable   “This past year, our main priority   cess to safe, quality, affordable, well-
             Phousing for airmen and their fami-  was to increase communications with   maintained housing where they choose
            lies is vital for two reasons, said Maj.   privatized housing stakeholders by   to live,” Moriarty said. “Although we
            Gen. Brad Spacy, Air Force Installation   attending semi-annual meetings and   have responsibility for program manage-
            and Mission Support Center commander.  monthly teleconferences with project   ment, execution and oversight at indi-
               “Quality housing helps the U.S. Air   owners, and base housing management   vidual bases is still performed through
            Force recruit and retain members, and   offices to quickly address any project   the installation team. This all starts with
            support for our airmen and their families   concerns,” Beach said. “We hosted this   a strong team at the base level between
            enables senior leaders to focus on the   training event for base-level Housing   the project owner and the installation.”
            core mission of Fly, Fight and Win in   Management Offices, or HMOs, and   Despite the U.S. Air Force’s housing
            Air, Space and Cyberspace,” said Spacy,   project owner staff as a great oppor-  privatization success, Moriarty empha-
            who delivered the keynote address during   tunity for program leaders to provide   sized the importance of building and
            the Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s   updates on policy changes and share best   maintaining personal relationships with
            (AFCEC) Housing Privatization Les-  practices. The collaboration helps sustain   the project owners and program manag-
            sons Learned Workshop, held May 2-5 at   the privatized housing program to make   ers for the installations.
            Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas.   certain of long-term viability and assures   “It all starts with the relationship, not
               Workshop topics included a hous-  installation commanders, especially new   just with the project owner, but whoever
            ing privatization overview, fair housing   commanders, we are providing military   your project manager is for your instal-
            laws, utility allowance, and tenant leases   families access to safe, quality, afford-  lation,” he said. “You’re not dealing with
            and handbooks, among other topics. A   able, well-maintained housing.”  AFCEC. You’re dealing with Charlie, or
            leadership panel featuring Spacy; Robert   Moriarty stressed the importance of   Sue, or Tom, or whoever. That’s who AF-
            Moriarty, AFCEC installations director;   continuing education and training for the   CEC is to you. That’s the face of AFCEC.
            Jennifer Miller, deputy assistant secretary   housing managers and project owners   That’s important for me personally to
            of the Air Force for installations; and Col.   and added the plan is to hold workshops   have that relationship established. We’re
            Michael Beach, AFCEC housing divi-  every two to three years.        a big organization, but we get real small
            sion chief, also answered questions and   “The Air Force goal remains the   when you get down to how we’re tasked
            addressed concerns from the audience.  same: To provide military families ac-  and organized.”

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