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          are there.”
             He continued, “BiRite has
          treated us very well. I am a little
          demanding as far as when we are
          purchasing. We make everything
          basically from scratch. We don’t
          buy any pre-processed food, or
          very, very little of it. We have our
          own bakery that makes everything
          from scratch. We also make all
          of our sauces. We don’t buy the
          pre-made lasagna. We make every-
          thing just from the basic building
          blocks. When we are looking at
          items, we ask them to look a little harder for us to see if there is a better price in quantity, or when
          prices drop for certain items. We use a lot of bacon or pork shoulder; then with a large purchase,
          we can purchase up to a container. If it something I am going to use up within a reasonable

               fter hearing of his visit to the Dragon
            AHill Lodge, Military Club & Hos-
            pitality asked Brad Hays, marketing
            manager at the Edelweiss Lodge and
            Resort in Garmisch, Germany, to offer
            his unique perspective on the AFRC in
            South Korea.
            A Trip to See the Dragon

            BY BRAD HAYS
               am a seasoned traveler, but somehow
             I a trip to Seoul, in the Republic of
            Korea, to visit the Dragon Hill           ies in the world, I expected a   the entire food spectrum covered from
            Lodge Armed Forces Recre-                 lot of noise, chaos, traffic jams,   Texas BBQ to Korean starter dishes to
            ation Center  seemed like a               smog and over-packed subways.   five-star lobster platters. Dragon Hill
            daunting endeavor. This would             The city is indeed bustling and   bakes its own pastries in the morning, has
            be my first time traveling to             the air quality is a bit gray at   its own butcher and brews its own beer.
            the Far East, and with that               times, but it isn’t noisy, chaotic   I found myself always making it back to
            came the obvious concerns:                or over-packed. It is extremely   the Dragon for dinner even though the
            Will the language be a bar-               easy to navigate and filled with   food in Korea is very good. The grounds
            rier? How can I get around if             great sites for travelers. The mix   at Dragon Hill Lodge are beautiful and
            all the signs are in Korean?              between ultra-modern architec-  well manicured. The Korean gazebo next
            Is the food too exotic for me             ture and ancient dynasties is   to the waterfall is a very peaceful place
            to eat? Will there be a threat            seamless.                  to get a little fresh air after dinner.
            from North Korea? I found that none of   Travelers can easily navigate the city   The rooms have American standard
            my initial concerns were a factor, and, in   by mastering the universal language of   amenities along with nice Korean details.
            fact, they were a source of adventure and   finger pointing. Pointing on a map, on   I suggest asking for a room on the high-
            exploration during a very memorable trip.  a menu or in the street along with a   est floor for the best views of the city at
              I must disclose that I have a biased   smile seemed enough to satisfy getting   night. Being that Dragon Hill Lodge is
            opinion about the Dragon Hill Lodge. I   around easily. Seoul is one of the most   so central, there are great views in any
            work for its sister property, the Edelweiss   connected cities in the world. Wi-Fi is   direction. There are the obvious ameni-
            Lodge and Resort in beautiful Garmisch,   everywhere and with Google Maps you   ties that American travelers expect like
            Germany. I was sent to Dragon Hill   are never lost.                 coffee machines, in-room safe, free Wi-
            Lodge to create a video to highlight its   The Dragon Hill Lodge is located in   Fi, large-screen TVs and Armed Forces
            new retiree vacation program. I never   an absolutely prime location in the city.   Network programming. The beds are
            really considered Dragon Hill Lodge to   In any direction are museums, parks,   very comfortable and nicely appointed
            be a vacation destination, so I was con-  shops and public transportation, all within   with soft comforters and large pillows
            cerned the video would be a challenge   walking distance. Anytime I returned   to ensure guests get a good night’s rest.
            to develop. But it turns out I was wrong;   to the lodge from a city outing, I could   For those travelers looking to learn
            it absolutely is a destination vacation   feel an instant calm come over me. It is   about the culture, history and have a
            spot for service members looking for a   familiar; the rooms are spacious, com-  relaxed guided tour of the city and sur-
            little adventure.                  fortable, well equipped and the best part   rounding areas, all they need to do is
              Since Seoul is one of the largest cit-  is the food is absolutely delicious. It has   visit the Discover Seoul desk in the main

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