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                                                       “It is about quality. It is about doing something that
                                                       shows we have passion for what we are doing and
                                                            that we care about what we are producing.”

                                                                   — Tim Mitchell, Dragon Hill Lodge Food and Beverage Director

                                                              in a lot of your customers.”
                                                                 Dragon Hill goes above and beyond what might be ex-
                                                              pected when it comes to the quality and preparation of its
                                                              food, including brewing its own beer and making its own ice
                                                              cream. “It is about quality,” said Mitchell. “It is about doing
                                                              something that shows we have passion for what we are doing
                                                              and that we care about what we are producing. I truly believe
                                                              that the guests can feel it and the guests can taste it; and at
                                                              the end of the day, we can sell something at a better quality
                                                              for a lower price if we make it ourselves.”
                                                                 He is particularly proud of the fact that they cut their own
                                                              steaks and grind their own hamburgers. “One of the things

            16                                                            MILITARY CLUB & HOSPITALITY  |  JUNE 2017
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