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          military customer is a sentiment shared across the Wiesbaden   Right Arm Night is a means of building camaraderie and
          Entertainment Center staff.                         esprit de corps across the Army family by bringing service
             “I love interacting with people and building personal re-  members and their families together to socialize and build
          lationships. I just try to make their day,” said Katrina Pen-  relationships.
          nington, as she served up hot cups of coffee recently in the
          Strike Zone of the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center. “A lot   WIESBADEN MWR
          of people come here and they’re happy to see me, and I’m   U.S. Army Garrison (USAG) Wiesbaden is located in
          happy to see them.”                                 central Germany. It is a 25-minute drive from the Frankfurt
             Pennington has made it a point to connect with the garrison   International Airport, and sits right next to the historical city
          community since she started working for Wiesbaden Morale,   of Mainz. Several units call the Wiesbaden military community
          Welfare and Recreation (MWR) in June 2015.          home, including: U.S. Army Europe Headquarters, 5th Signal
             “I try to always be prepared to see things from the other   Command, 66th Military Intelligence Group, 1st Air Support
          person’s perspective and come in with the right attitude,”   Operations Group, 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment,
          she said. “Your job is customer service and you should be   485th Intelligence Squadron and the 7th Weather Squadron.
          prepared to help people.”                              The Wiesbaden Entertainment Center is one of many mo-
             With two decades of working in MWR, and seven years   rale, welfare and recreation options that the U.S. Army Gar-
          at Wiesbaden, achieving a connection with the military com-  rison Wiesbaden has available for service members and their
          munity is second nature to Mike Roberts, a bartender in the   families. Others include the Cappuccino Casino; Little Italy
          center’s lounge, which is open to patrons aged 18 and older.  Restaurant and Catering Center; Java Express (serving coffee,
             “It’s all about people. You help people every day — new   salads and sandwiches); U’R Place Bar & Grill; Rheinblick
          people, nice people, people from all walks of life and from   Golf Course (restaurant and bar); Shali Java Café; Community
          all over America —all sizes and all shapes; we love them all,”   Special Events; and Dagger Snack Bar.
          Roberts said. “I just think it’s a privilege to serve.”  Assorted Balkan specialty dishes and regional German
             The Entertainment Center extends its welcome to the Wi-  cuisine make up the Rheinblick Golf Restaurant’s menu. Be-
          esbaden garrison community by engaging in activities happen-  ginning with a breakfast menu that features pancakes and
          ing elsewhere on base. “We do a lot of special events,” Huff   made-to-order omelets on to mid- and later-day burgers, salads,
          said, explaining that MWR’s food and beverage operations are   pasta and steak, the restaurant offers a variety of seasonal
          represented at karaoke and Right Arm nights, Armed Forces   and daily specials, all made using the freshest ingredients
          Entertainment evenings and even at off-post, host-nation events,   available from local farmers.
          such as the Wiesbaden Stadtfest and Hochheimer Market.  The restaurant is open year-round for golfers, as well as
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