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          GREAT LAKES’


                                    The Center of It All

             n 2010, despite having a successful                               Fort Sam Houston, Texas, for joint train-
             and profitable venue with the                                         ing. “It was the closest MWR facility
          IDonald J. Rynish Bowling                                                  to their barracks,” said John Prue,
          Center at Naval Station Great                                                installation program director
          Lakes in Illinois, Morale,                                                     for MWR. “A lot of the
          Welfare and Recreation                                                          1,500 students who trained
          (MWR) on base knew                                                               and lived over there used
          that the time had come                                                            our center quite a bit.
          to downsize the facility                                                          They used it as their
          and open another one                                                               own personal hangout
          elsewhere.                                                                         place to relax and get
             The 32-lane bowling                                                             some down time. It was
          center was located very                                                           not only a bowling cen-
          close to the Hospital                                                             ter for the entire com-
          Corps School, which, be-                                                         munity, it became their
          cause of the Base Realign-                                                      hub because they literally
          ment and Closure (BRAC)                                                        lived a block and a half away
          process, would be moving to                                                  from there in the barracks.”

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