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                                                                                     ing services on the program.
                                                                                     We tapped in to Ron Rossman
                                                                                     and his team at Navy Motion
                                                                                     Pictures, and they provided a lot
                                                                                     of guidance in developing the
                                                                                     theater — not only the look and
                                                                                     feel, but certainly ideas on seat-
                                                                                     ing and angles and other things.
                                                                                     We do 3D movies. The Surround
                                                                                     Sound is just awesome. We have
                                                                                     even had a couple of sneak pre-
                                                                                     views since we opened up in
          of-famers who have been in the Navy and been here at Great   The Epicenter also has a space for live entertainment and
          Lakes, and competed against colleges across the board,” he said.   events. “It has a stage and comfortable lounge furniture,” he
          “George Halas and Paddy Driscoll were two hall-of-famers   said. “It has a dedicated dance floor area if we need it. Hav-
          who played on our 1919 Rose Bowl team. Great Lakes won   ing a DJ or band in there seems to work well. We can do just
          the Rose Bowl in 1919. In World War II, there was no shortage   about anything in there. We just had a 90s band in there that
          of professional athletes who came through here and a lot of   was extremely popular. We are programming it similar to the
          hall-of-famers, including a couple of coaches. Weeb Ewbank   catering business. We can turn that room into anything we
          and Paul Brown were on the same coaching staff up here for   need it to be and support the various populations we serve,
          the football team. Bob Feller is one of the bigger names who   whether it is families, kids, single sailors or even commands
          played on the Great Lakes baseball team.”           that are coming there.”
             Near Legends and Spinz is a small amusement area. “There   The facility also has an outdoor patio. “We have a great
          are some redemption games in there,” said Prue. “There are   outdoor patio with a bar and new furniture out there,” said
          a few high-end basketball pop-a-shot games, and a variety   Prue. “It is a great area, and we will be programming that
          of other race games. We don’t own the games, but we get a   as well, bringing DJs and bands out there. It is a nice place
          percentage of that. It is a nice area; it is not overdone. It seems   to hang out outside. You can just walk right out of Legends,
          to meet our needs for the various populations and ages — ev-  and this beautiful patio is out there.”
          erything from kids when they come out for birthday parties   Reaction to the facility from the base community has been
          to the single sailors who like to use those games.”  outstanding, though Prue was worried what the reaction might
             Another area that is very popular, especially among the   be. “Frankly, because it was an enlisted club and was always
          young personnel, is a billiard room. “It just became a nice   where the young sailors went, when we morphed it into an
          room where they could chill out,” he said. “There are plenty   all-hands facility, we were curious what the families were
          of places to bring your food and eat and hang out. There are   going to say. Would they be afraid to go there because it was
          also plenty of outlets for their mobile devices as well. The   for single sailors? We designed the building appropriately,
          place is covered with Wi-Fi all over, so for someone to bring   and what we are hearing from the families is that we hit it
          either their laptop or surf the net with their smartphone, they   out of the park with the design.”
          can do that. It becomes a neat area. We have two of those   He continued, “It is really working. It is a great place for
          stand-up units that you can plug in anything if you didn’t   them to go and see a movie, grab a pizza, enjoy themselves
          bring your own cord.”                               or go over and bowl and do whatever they need to. We are
             Another addition to the new Epicenter is a 175-seat state-  hearing from people who want to come in and book birthday
          of-the-art movie theater. “We moved our movie operation   parties. The families aren’t afraid to come over there, and it is
          out of an old 1942 traditional auditorium with a balcony,   great place for the single sailors to come. Literally they walk
          which we were lucky to get 200 people in a showing,” said   right out of their barracks, and the Epicenter is right there. It
          Prue. “The Navy Motion Picture Service provided consult-  works out well.”                      —MCH

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