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            On the Jersey Shore

                ith units that were originally built shortly after World War II — and
          Wonly piecemeal renovations since — Coast Guard Training Center
          Cape May, N.J., knew it was time to upgrade its recreational housing.
             “The six units that we run were actually old Coast Guard housing that
          was outside the gate,” said Tony Buero, Morale, Well-Being and Rec-
          reation (MWR) director. “The original construction was in about 1946.
          When they started to do the new townhome-housing concept, they picked
          up three of these buildings and moved them on base and turned them over
          to MWR to use as guest quarters.”
             The base is located at the very southern tip of the famous Jersey Shore,
          and has a busy season from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The six recre-
          ational lodging units are located in three buildings. “They also get used a
          lot for graduations,” he said. “Guests can rent. We have a good, competitive
          in-season rate and off-season rate. They are very popular.”
             When Buero arrived in 2012, the units were outdated and in need of a
          renovation. “Over a period of time, they really didn’t have any reinvestment
          going on in them,” he said. “They did some furnishing projects here and
          there, but most of the time it was a little bit here and a little bit there — if a
          drawer broke, they would buy a new chest of drawers; or if they needed a new
          mattress. They didn’t do all of them at the same time. There was no concerted

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