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          effort to go in and renovate in total any one system or item.”
             One of Buero’s first priorities was to upgrade the units.
          “We made a concerted effort and agreed on a plan to renovate
          and revitalize these units,” he said. “We had to reinvest. They
          make a decent amount of money for us, so we had to put
          some money back into them. We worked together to put up
          a reinvestment plan and do these projects; do the legwork;
          outline the cost.”
             The renovations started with new HVAC systems for all of
          the units. “We did all of the units with HVAC, both heating
          and air centralized,” he said. “That was the first big project
          that we did. We kept moving on. We did carpet. We took all   You try to build that feature into it that where — and this may
          of the units down for painting. We painted everything that   sound silly, but turning the water off and on in the shower, is it
          didn’t move in there. It was ceiling to baseboards as far as the   obvious how to do it? Just simple things like that. We wanted
          painting goes. We changed out all of the doors.”    water-efficient commodes. We did those kinds of things and
             All of the bathrooms were redone in the last year. “We   we accomplished what we were out for. The bathrooms look
          were kind of forced to do it, because some of the tubs were   really great. Up-to-date fixtures, LED lighting, things like
          starting to crack and we had caulking all around that looked   that. I think they look very modern.”
          awful,” said Buero. “It was just time to do something. It had   Two of the units had new furniture installed this winter.
          the old 1960s bathroom colors; It was not very attractive. I   “We went from a regular sofa to sleeper sofas,” said Buero.
          wanted to go in and make it all nice. We also had some con-  “We added new side chairs, coffee tables, mattresses, head-
          cerns with access for older people and handicap access. We   boards, mirrors and dinette tables in the kitchen. Keeping
          had the old tubs where you had to step over. There were no   with the beach and coastal theme, we have some nice beach
          grab bars or anything. We went with a walk-in shower; we   pictures in there. It looks really good.”
          eliminated the tub.”                                   Buero is very proud of the results so far. “As we move
             When choosing the new items for the bathrooms, he had   through the year, we are going to do the rest of them. It has
          several concerns. “I wanted something that was resilient and   just been a labor of love, so to speak. What we have is good
          would hold up in a commercial rental environment. When   quality stuff. We do our best and I think we put a good product
          people rent something, they don’t care for it as if they owned it.   out there. I am very proud of it.”    —MCH
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