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w                 UNIVERSAL STORAGE CONTAINERS ®            800-385-0755

                                                                      Call us for a Demo or Quote

          (9                The Leader in Portable Container Solutions
                            Cl 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 & 2011
                                  International Award Winner for
                                 ·Best Portable Storage Container''
          <(          MCAS MIRAMAR - San Diego,  California
                      Better quality service, with more convenience, security and lower costs were major benefits







          >-         Client Need:                                                Client Testimonial

                                                                                 "USC did a great job on these two
                     MCAS  Miramar wanted to provide on base self-storage for its
          0          facilities, and be more secure and cost effective. They were   projects in providing us with a high
                     Marine families that would be as attractive as the off base
                                                                                 quality product at the most competitive
                                                                                 value. It was amazing how fast they
                                                                                 started and completed the job.  They
                                                                                 look great and this project has become
                     looking for a way to provide better services at a lower cost
          :J         than leasing old  containers for storage. The USC           an example of creating a profit center
                                                                                 for the base while providing a higher
                     Greenlite® storage containers are the perfect solution,
                                                                                 quality product at a lower cost.  USC
          I­         especially because of the speed of assembly and the need    is one of the most customer focused
                                                                                 suppliers we have ever dealt with.
                                                                                 Their storage containers are a perfect
                     to start and finish this project quickly.
          C/)        The USC Solution:                                           fit for us and will provide a great service
                                                                                 to our military families."
          w          200 units of the USC Greenlite® storage containers  in      Michael McDonald
                                                                                 Services Manager, MCAS Miramar
                     MCAS Miramar was able to contract with USC to construct over

                     approximately 30 minutes per unit at two separate locations on
                     base.  MCAS Miramar also benefited from buying the containers,   For More Information:
                                                                                  Universal Storage Containers®
          en  instead of leasing them, which provides a significantly higher      146 Old Kings Hwy
                                                                                  New Canaan CT 06840
          <(         families who now use these storage containers love the modern   1-800-385-0755
                     ROI and made this facility into a profit center.  The Marine

                     clean look, as well as the convenience of having their items   720-263-5687 - Direct/Fax
                     stored on base.                                    
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