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                           Revamped Fisher House Reopens at WBAMC

              he Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher   mediate family members in
           THouse located on the William Beau-  any of the region’s hospitals.
          mont Army Medical Center (WBAMC)      “We provide them with a
          campus in El Paso, Texas, recently re-  safe and clean environment to
          opened after being closed for over a year   stay in,” said Alice Coleman,
          for renovations.                   manager of the Fisher House
             The Fisher House, as it is commonly   at WBAMC. “If their [service
          referred to, provides military-affiliated   member, veteran or retiree] is
          families room and board at no cost to   in the hospital sick, the last
          them throughout the duration of inpatient   thing they need to worry about
          service members, retirees or veterans   is where they will be staying
          care at local healthcare facilities.   and the expense of it.”         Col. John A. Smyrski III, commander, William
             “This Fisher House is a home away   Since its inception in 1994, nearly   Beaumont Army Medical Center; John Ost III,
          from home for families in a time of   4,000 families have found a home   director, Army Fisher House Program; Alice
          need,” said Col. John A. Smyrski III,   away from home at the Fisher House   Coleman, manager, WBAMC Fisher House;
                                                                                 and Command Sgt. Maj. Donald George,
          commander, WBAMC. “Our force con-  at WBAMC. Renovations involved the   WBAMC, cut the ribbon to the newly reno-
          sists of soldiers from across the United   house’s entire interior from the kitchen   vated Fisher House on the WBAMC campus.
          States. When patients’ loved ones come   to each of the six bedrooms, which were   (Photo by Marcy Sanchez)
          to provide support, the Fisher House is   outfitted with new furniture, beds and
          conveniently located within walking   amenities.                      porte and her family, the Fisher House
          distance to our hospital.”            “Everything is new,” said Coleman.   has provided comfort during a worrisome
             The Fisher House at WBAMC pro-  “Families have a roof over their head, a   time as her husband undergoes surgery
          vides six rooms, two suites and four   place to eat, sleep — it’s nice and warm   in El Paso.
          smaller rooms, in addition to a shared   when need be and cooled when it is hot   “I didn’t know about [the Fisher
          kitchen, dining room, living room and   — and in a secure building.   House],” said Cruzlaporte, who currently
          laundry room. Additionally, guests don’t   “Having family close eases the [pa-  resides near Alamogordo, N.M. “It’s a
          have to be staying strictly for service   tient’s] mind. We’ve had many families   new experience. I was worried, but I
          members, retirees or veterans; the no-  mention how a heavy burden was lifted   needed to be here for my husband; he
          expense lodging also provides a place   knowing their families were staying at   needed us. [Staying at the Fisher House]
          to stay for service members who may   the Fisher House,” said Coleman.   helps because from Alamogordo it’s two
          be in the area visiting hospitalized im-  For military spouse Jessenia Cruzla-  hours driving. Here, I can be really close
                                                                                to him.”
                                                                                  Cruzlaporte first learned about the
                                                                                Fisher House through her husband’s chain
                                                                                of command. What she didn’t expect was
                                                                                the cost-free lodging services the house
                                                                                offers. According to Cruzlaporte, she
                                                                                was unaware the stay was free prior to
                                                                                checking in. With the financial burden
                                                                                lifted, she feels at ease and is able to
                                                                                focus on her husband’s recovery.
                                                                                  “We’re really close to him,” she said.
                                                                                “If something happens, we can go to the
                                                                                hospital immediately.”
                                                                                  The Fisher House at WBAMC is
                                                                                               staffed 24/7. Inside
                                                                                               access is limited to
                                                                                               staff and families
                                                                                               staying at the house.
           A newly renovated kitchen is outfitted                                              The house operates
           with new appliances and secured storage                                             strictly from dona-
           space for families of hospitalized service                                          tions and welcomes
           members, retirees and veterans at the
           Fisher House at William Beaumont Army                                               guests on a first-
            Medical Center. (Photo by Marcy Sanchez)                                           come, first-served
                                                                                                 “We’re proud and
                A newly-renovated shared dining room                                           honored to have a
                is available for families of hospitalized                                      Fisher House here
                service members, retirees and veterans                                         on our campus,” said
                at the Fisher House at William Beaumont
                Army Medical Center. (Photo by Marcy Sanchez)                                  Smyrski.

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