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                    Bowl Expo Rolling into Nashville

              he Bowling Proprietors’ Association   MILITARY PRESENCE
           Tof America (BPAA) will be hosting   The military is returning to the show.
          the International Bowl Expo (IBE) at the   “We have come up with a Military Man-
          Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville,   agers Training Session, which will be
          Tenn., from June 18 to 22.         taking place on the 18th of June,” said
             The Expo features a wide variety of   Randy La Fave, Army bowling and bingo
          exhibits for products and services, as   program manager. “BowlExpo starts on
          well as a set agenda of interactive semi-  that day, but there is really nothing for
          nars and “how-to” workshops aimed to   our military managers on that day. We
          assist bowling center proprietors with   took that day and came up with an agenda   show training is being offered at the
          leveraging the best tools and strategies to   for military managers.”   Smirna Bowling Center. “Prior to Bowl
          strengthen their businesses. Each of the   La Fave worked with Dustin Schmidt,   Expo, we are doing two coaching classes:
          sessions in the program serves to educate   manager of Air Force bowling programs   The United States Bowling Congress
          the audience on the newest strategies,   to create the agenda. “We came up with   (USBC) bronze-level coaching and silver-
          technologies and marketing ideas to ef-  a day’s training, working in partnership   level coaching. We are also hosting a
          fectively maximize profits and continue   with the BPAA,” he said. “On that Sun-  session on the International Bowling
          to expand the success of the bowling   day, we have military-managers-only   Pro Shop and Instructional Association
          industry as a whole around the nation.  training and breakout sessions. We are go-  (IPSIA). It is a hands-on training. It is
                                                         ing to be doing sessions   the pro shop, science of drilling balls,
                                                         on customer service, food   etc. Those sessions are going to be held
                                                         and beverage trends with   from June 15 to 17.”
                                                         an industry panel that the
                                                         BPAA is pulling together   KEYNOTE SPEAKER
                                                         for us. We are going to be   This year’s keynote speaker is bas-
                                                         doing a session on party   ketball superstar Shaquille O’Neal. In
                                                         planning and a session   addition to being an early investor in
                                                         called “Bowling 2.0    companies such as Google, Shaq was
                                                         Youth ‘USA Bowling     ranked among “The 100 Most Creative
                                                         Learn the Sport.’”     People in Business” by Fast Company
                                                           In addition to the   magazine. He will be explaining to at-
                                                         breakouts taking place   tendees “What it Takes to be a Cham-
                   Bowl Expo offers attendees the the chance   during the show, pre-  pion.”
                    to see the latest products up close.

               AHLEI Adds Breakfast Attendant Training

              he American Hotel & Lodging    breakfast and anticipating guest needs.
           TEducational Institute (AHLEI)    The training also includes discussion of
          has added training and certification for   major food allergies, foodborne illness
          breakfast attendants to its START for   and sanitation regulations. By completing
          Individual Positions series, which pro-  the training and passing the certification
          vides flexible training and certification   exam with a score of 70 percent or higher,
          modules in multiple formats to meet the   trainees can earn the certified breakfast
          needs of schools, workforce agencies   attendant designation.
          and properties.                      START for Individual Positions and
             In the past few years, the role of   quickSTART for Individual Positions
          breakfast attendant has become much   provide resources for training new or
          more prevalent at lodging operations.   prospective employees in general hospi-
          In fact, according to the 2016 Lodg-  tality knowledge, soft skills and position-
          ing Survey, 62 percent of properties   specific knowledge, combined with the
          surveyed offer complimentary break-  opportunity to earn professional certi-
          fast service, including 80 percent of   fication. In addition to the breakfast at-  tion exam. The main difference between
          upper-midscale properties, 96 percent   tendant module, training and certification   the START and quickSTART programs
          of midscale properties, and 81 percent   is available for the following positions:   is that, for START, job breakdowns are
          of economy properties.             front desk representative, guestroom at-  taught in a classroom setting, while for
             Position-specific knowledge for   tendant, restaurant server, kitchen cook   quickSTART, those tasks are taught on
          breakfast attendants includes display-  and maintenance employee.     the job and validated by a supervisor or
          ing breakfast items, properly handling   All of the START programs are avail-  trainer. The breakfast attendant program
          food from receiving to service, setting   able in print and online versions, with an   is available in English.
          up side stations, professionally and ap-  instructor’s guide and participant study   For more information, visit www.
          propriately interacting with guests during   guide, as well as access to the certifica-

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