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            Air Force Clubs Transition from Credit Card System to Virtual Portal, App

              he Air Force is revolutionizing its club membership pro-  In addition to more freedom with dues payment methods,
           Tgram in the coming months, to include a transition away   members will be better informed about club programs and
          from a club credit card to the Air Force Club Member portal.  events in real time through the web portal and an application
             “Our members are important to us, and the credit card   on their smart devices.
          membership system was their No. 1 complaint,” said Jonathan   “Through the club portal, club members will have easy
          Boyd, Air Force Services Activity chief of nonappropriated   access to a wide variety of information, such as events and
          fund food and beverage operations. “We’ve changed that and   special programs scheduled, meal specials and other notifi-
          much more with this new portal; and we’re very excited to   cations in near real time,” Boyd said. “We’re also exploring
          roll it out to our current members and offer it to all of our   the ability to expand information provided to include what’s
          active-duty force, reservists, retirees and Department of De-  happening at MWR and activities across the installation.”
          fense civilians.”                                      AFSVA partnered with MemberPlanet to host the new Air
             The new Air Force Club Member portal began at six pilot   Force Club Member Portal. Current member information will
          bases in May before being rolled out across the Air Force in   automatically be loaded on the club portal so members simply
          late summer. The web- and app-based system allows members   log in and update payment information.
          to choose their payment methods and receive real-time event   The free MemberPlanet app is available in the App Store
          information directly on their smart devices.        or Google Play.
             Currently, member dues are charged to a Chase Bank-  “Once you’ve updated your account, you can select your
          affiliated club membership credit card. “The beauty of the   preferred method of payment with the system accepting all
          new system is that members can now use their credit or debit   credit cards and electronic bank drafts,” said Boyd.
          card of choice,” Boyd said. “It’s an easy process … you simply   Since members won’t have physical cards to prove member-
          update your profile and payment method using your smart-  ship, they’ll now show their digital membership card through
          phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.”         the MemberPlant App on their smart devices.
             Members without easy access to smart devices or comput-  “We understand some members may still wish to carry
          ers can stop by their local club for assistance.    a physical club card,” Boyd said. “The digital card can be
             The new Air Force Club Member Portal system also stan-  printed at home and shown when they visit the club. Some
          dardizes payment dates for membership dues. Currently, mem-  clubs may also be able to print the cards for our members
          bers are charged dues at different times during the month. All   and laminate them.”
          members will now be charged dues on the 15th of each month.  Although there are many changes in the program, several

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