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Compliments to the Chef                                                        A chef at the Ritz-Carl-
                                                                            ton in Miami noticed her
Sandra Bedoya                                                               knack for culinary when she
                                                                            was a server assistant there,
After arriving in the United States from her native Colom-                  and took her under his wing
       bia, Sandra Bedoya, executive chef of the BankUnited                 when he decided to open a
Center (BUC) at the University of Miami in Florida, got her                 new fine dining restaurant.
start like many others in the hospitality industry — by clean-              She worked hard in the front
ing tables at a restaurant.                                                 of the house during the day
                                                                            and transitioned to prep in
   Braised Ox Tail with Garbanzo                                            the evenings.
     Stew & Poached Quail Egg
                                                                                She honed her skills working at a number of Miami
   INGREDIENTS:                                                             restaurants, including the Four Seasons and SugarCane.
   10 pounds ox tail                                                        Throughout her career, she has found an extraordinary pas-
   For braising:                                                            sion for food with a focus on flavor. She views each ingredi-
   5 pounds yellow onion                                                    ent that she uses as an individual that needs to be taken care
   5 pounds plum tomatoes                                                   of and creates each dish with a meticulous hand. “Anything
   ½ pound garlic cloves                                                    without passion and love just won’t work in order to create
   ½ pound thyme                                                            each plate as beautiful as the next,” she said.
   ½ pound rosemary
   2 gallons red wine                                                           From these positions, she joined the Chartwells team as
   For Garbanzo Stew:                                                       a sous chef at the BUC in March of 2012, and by August
   3 pounds garbanzo beans                                                  of that year, she was promoted to executive chef of InStyle
   1 pound scallions                                                        Catering there.
   2 pounds yellow onion
   2 pounds plum tomatoes                                                       She has had a great deal of success in this position. In the
   2 pounds cilantro                                                        past year, InStyle at the BUC has increased sales in catering
   1 pound parsley                                                          by more than 7 percent. Local charities, such as the Women’s
   1 bottle white wine                                                      Fund of Miami and United Way, have held their yearly cel-
   20 dozen quail eggs                                                      ebrations on the BUC’s arena floor with menus that Bedoya
   6 ounces micro cilantro                                                  has created.
   Braise ox tail between 3-4 hours. Check periodically to get the desired      She has also created menus for a number of other events
   consistency.                                                             including the Telemundo Billboard Awards, with guests in-
   Garbanzo stew takes approximately 1.5 hours to prepare. Chop tomato,     cluding Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez and Shakira. She also
   onion, and herbs and mix together with garbanzos and broth over heat.    executed menus for CNN’s top executives and the Republi-
   Bring water and vinegar to a boil to poach quail egg. Cook for 1.5-2     can candidates in March of 2016 when the BUC hosted the
   minutes.                                                                 Republican debates.
   To present, add ox tail first, top with garbanzo stew and finish with
   quail egg on bamboo spoon. Finally, top with a dash of fresh cilantro.       One of her events, University President Julio Frenk’s in-
   Yield: 240 portions on bamboo spoon/1.5 ounces each                      auguration in January, was recognized with a bronze award in
                                                                            the Special Event in Catering category in the 2016 National
                                                                            Association of College and University Food Services (NA-
                                                                            CUFS) Loyal E. Horton awards. Through months of planning
                                                                            and research, a proposal was presented to the client to build a
                                                                            new world on the Lakeside Patio. Her vision of an international
                                                                            theme was brought to life through color and flavor and guests
                                                                            gawked at the presentation as they walked through the patio.


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                                                                                   featured in the pages of

                                                                                   On-Campus Hospitality?

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