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On-Campus Hospitality Roundtable
  On-Campus Hospitality asked seven higher education foodservice executives to tell us
        what they thought about some of the latest issues affecting the industry.

        THE CHANGING MENU                  with technology to enhance these areas,       center of the plate.
                                           such as mobile app ordering, has also
  On-Campus Hospitality: What are          been a trend that we are developing on           GARETT DISTEFANO:
  the big trends that you have noticed     grounds at U.Va. Dining and Aramark in
  recently? Were there any that sur-       order to provide the service that drives          Healthy beverages are becoming
  prised you with their popularity or      customer satisfaction.                        more popular with students. Over the
                                                                                         past two years UMass experienced a 22
      their continuing popularity?            SAMUEL CROSS:                              percent decline in sugary beverages, par-
                                                                                         ticularly soda. Students are gravitating
   JOHN BURNETTE:                              One of the largest trends that we are     towards healthier teas, infused waters,
                                           experiencing is healthy food with more        smoothies and agua fresca. Global cuisine
    Convenience, healthy options, variety  focus on the vegetable component, mean-       continues to grow in popularity. A few
and price/value stay at the forefront of   ing a more creative and healthy approach      examples are:
what is driving our business. Working      to vegetables and bringing them to the
THE RESPONDENTS:                                                                             1. Bibim Naengmyeaon - “spicy Ko-

                    JOHN BURNETTE, Senior Food Service                                   rean noodles” served with spicy chilled
                    Director (Aramark), U.Va. Dining, Uni-                               bibim sauce along with sweet, tangy and
                    versity of Virginia; Charlottesville, Va.                            crunchy radish pickles and sweet, juicy
                                                                                         and crispy Asian pear.
eral Manager (Sodexo),     Director of Residential               Director of Dining          2. Bi Bim Bop – the one-bowl dishes
                                                               (Chartwells), York Col-   continue to grow in popularity
    University Dining       Dining, University of               lege of Pennsylvania;
Services, Wichita State    Massachusetts – Am-                                               3. Jap Chae - Korean Glass Noodles
University; Wichita, Kan.  herst; Amherst, Mass.                       York, Pa.
 GARY C. GOLDBERG,          JILL IRVIN, DIRECTOR,               LENORE MUSICK, Di-           1. Greek Sea Bass with Saganaki
 Director UW Dining,          University Dining;               rector of PantherDining,
University of Washing-                                                                   Rice Pilaf
  ton; Seattle, Wash.      University of Iowa; Iowa             Georgia State Univer-        2. Braised green salad
                                   City, Iowa                      sity; Atlanta, Ga.        3. Dolmas

                                                                                             Dim Sum: UMass Dining routinely

                                                                                         features Dim Sum at all locations. This
                                                                                         year we plan on setting up a Dim Sum

                                                                                             An interesting trend is the growth
                                                                                         in vegetarian dishes. UMass hosted a
                                                                                         diversity dinner for all first-year students;
                                                                                         UMass Dining featured globally influ-
                                                                                         enced recipes. One of the most popular
                                                                                         stations was vegetarian.

                                                                                            ROBERT FLOCCARI:

                                                                                             The trends we have noticed in Cen-
                                                                                         tral Pennsylvania seem to be more of a
                                                                                         shift in eating habits rather than food
                                                                                         fads. Over the past year we have seen
                                                                                         a decrease in the popularity of beef,
                                                                                         while pork has seen an increase with
                                                                                         our guests. Vegetarian diets have also
                                                                                         seen an increase with our student pop-
                                                                                         ulation, particularly those looking for
                                                                                         vegan options. While we have always

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