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offered vegetarian and vegan options,       provide additional revenue, serve the       on healthy bowls, beverages and quality
the demand for an expanded vegetarian       underserved, reduce menu fatigue, of-       grab and go.
and vegan menu has greatly increased        fer something not found elsewhere on
over the last year with more students       campus, or certainly not at typical times.     JILL IRVIN:
choosing these options.                     We are driving out a revised Mexican
                                            truck this fall to meet the opportunity         I believe our students are more cost-
    The one food trend that we have         provided by breakfast all day with a hint   conscious this year. They still want flexi-
seen grow in popularity that has been       of hip grilled cheese (truck yet to be      bility and convenience, but are concerned
somewhat of a surprise to us is the use     named).  This is our first truly mobile     about what that will cost them. Over the
of ramen noodles. Ramen noodle bowls        venue in several years and will be un-      past few years, the concept of value was
are becoming increasingly popular with      predictable in its locale as we test the    still very important to parents, but had
students. As for food trends that we have   market and have people trying to find       not been a touchpoint for students. That
seen on a decline, the most surprising      us. Social media will be key.               appears to be changing now. This is a
has been gluten-free diets. While we do                                                 bit different than what I expected, given
still have a number of students that re-        Our approach here at UW is to be        the characteristics of Gen Z.
quire a gluten-free diet, we have had far   nimble and to have new concepts in
fewer students looking for gluten-free      the queue to replace the tired or under-        In terms of food trends, smoked
products and meals.                         performing ones. Case in point, our food    meats are still very popular for us. I
                                            court in our student union: the concepts    would have expected this trend would
   GARY C. GOLDBERG:                        are done well, but not on trend and not     have decreased by now.
                                            financially viable. Thus, we will modify
    Big trends. Stay the course with pizza  each concept’s menu and within two years       LENORE MUSICK:
and chicken wings and shakes. Survey        we will have adjusted five concepts and
says? These are staples and not waning in   taken half of our Subways with an in-           It’s interesting to me that smoothies
popularity. The key is a balanced program   house ice cream and sweets venue. We        have not only stayed around, but their
providing for emerging ethnic trends that   believe that to be lower revenue, more      popularity has increased. With all-you-
guests are not yet asking for, others that  profit than our branded sandwich shop.      care-to-eat meal plan options and three
they are asking for and developing iconic                                               dining hall locations with countless op-
campus brands to clamor for.                    Surprised? No. We have a wellness       tions and a no-takeout policy, students
                                            café in development as we figure out        continue to flock to the smoothie bars
    Food trucks, when used wisely,          where it will go on campus. The focus is
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