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and enjoy a smoothie even after they’ve      DISTEFANO:                                  GOLDBERG:
eaten a full meal with us.
                                                 Food cost is a top concern for UMass        New prime vendor and GPO. More
    Another food trend we’ve seen is the     Dining; we use multiple approaches to       attention to our food/recipe management
popularity of international fare, not hy-    keep cost in line. First, we continuously   system tools and vetting of new items
brids like Tex-Mex, but truly original       train our culinary staff on fundamental     before they go live. Review food costs
international cuisine. Georgia State hosts   techniques. Secondly, we practice just-in-  routinely and ask managers why, if some-
one of the most diverse student popula-      time cooking — producing small batches      thing is off budget. At the same time, we
tions in the nation, and we love giving our  throughout the meal period; the result      have to better manage waste, shrink and
international students a taste of home.      is not only a reduction of food waste,      price/portioning. We are less focused on
Our students will even provide us with       but a fresher, higher-quality dish. Third,  margins and more on market price and a
some of their favorite recipes and cook-     portion size: UMass Dining practices        desired food cost. Manage your sales mix
ing tips so we can ensure authenticity       a “small plate, big flavor” philosophy;     and make sure it allows you to achieve
in our international dishes.                 proteins, such as pork and chicken, are     your goal. Otherwise adjust the menu,
                                             served in 2- to 3-ounce portions.           pricing and portions to move people to
            COST CONTROL                                                                 a more diversified choice.
                                                 Finally, UMass utilizes a waste man-
  OCH: Keeping control of food costs         agement system, LeanPath, to continu-          IRVIN:
  is always an important part of keep-       ously monitor pre-consumer food waste.
  ing an effective operation. In what        The system allows managers to examine           We are heavily dependent on our
  ways do you keep your costs at a           specific ingredient waste and take cor-     computerized management system to
                                             rective action. The LeanPath system         help us be as efficient with ordering
            manageable level?                diverted over $750,000 of food waste        as possible. We have recently signed a
                                             in the past three years.                    new prime supplier agreement in concert
   BURNETTE:                                                                             with the two other state schools in Iowa
                                                FLOCCARI:                                (University of Northern Iowa and Iowa
    Food does not have to be complicated                                                 State University). One of the initiatives
to be highly acceptable and consistent           When it comes to food-cost controls,    we will pursue with this contract is to
from a food-cost standpoint. We work         there is no one magical solution. There     standardize across the staff some prod-
within the seasons with fresh, local op-     are a multitude of factors that affect an   ucts and/or manufacturers to increase
tions to provide great food at low cost      operation’s food cost. We don’t believe     savings. The prime supplier will look
to our customers. Following food builds      in waiting until the end of the week or     at items each of us uses and provide
and recipes not only provides consis-        period to see how we did. The man-          examples of possible savings by making
tent food cost, but also enables us to       agement team operates with the idea         product switches.
provide accurate nutrition information       of managing our business every day,
to our consumers.                            meaning purchasing the right products          MUSICK:
                                             in the right amount and then controlling
   CROSS:                                    production and usage to minimize waste          Keeping food costs at a manageable
                                             and over-production. We work hard to not    level is incredibly important to the suc-
    This is always a challenge in our busi-  over-purchase, because over-purchasing      cess of our department. One of the first
ness. With the consistent increase in the    leads to waste and over-production.         ways we accomplish this is by providing
cost of food away from home (supported                                                   our chefs with a weekly allowance, with
by the Consumer Price Index), we have            One of the best methods we have         them managing their funds almost like
to constantly focus on product utiliza-      implemented in controlling product          you would with balancing a checkbook.
tion and controlling our processes. We       purchases is by forecasting our weekly
experience a low-30 percent to low-40        usage amount and using that number for          Technology is also another important
percent food cost depending on the busi-     our purchase target. By forecasting our     piece to the equation. We use FoodPro
ness. Retail, board and catering all have    revenue and working backwards with          as our inventory system, so it’s very
different food costs.                        our food-cost percentage target, we can     recipe-specific to ensure that we’re not
                                             calculate a target usage amount. If rev-    overspending, as well as utilizing our
    We are working hard to take the food     enue forecast is $100,000 for the week      current products in a timely manner.
that can’t be utilized or thrown away and    and our target food-cost percentage is      Along with FoodPro training, we train
using it in a positive way. We are working   36 percent, we can calculate our target     our employees on LeanPath, which helps
hard to find a composting partner. We        usage for the week as $36,000, and work     us get the most yield out of our pur-
presently give our used coffee grounds       to not purchase more than that amount       chases. LeanPath enables us to make
to the University Physical Plant for com-    for the week. This will drive down in-      adjustments on quantities and serving
posting. Recovering leftover food and        ventory, which reduces over-production,     sizes, ultimately leading to manageable
redistributing to local food pantries is     usage and spoilage. By having a weekly      food costs and less food waste as we can
part of our model, too (Food Recovery        spend limit, the chefs make much more       better utilize all of our products.
Network). We are working hard with the       conscious purchasing decisions and it
student body to make this a larger part      forces them to know what is on hand.                                                                                        —OCH
of our daily operation.
                                             Visit for the respondents’ thoughts on the protein shift and strategic partnerships.

14 | OCTOBER 2016                                                                       ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY
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