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us to manage the budget that we are given, so it is a win-win     anaerobic digesters that convert it all into methane gas. They
for everybody,” said Julian. “We hit our numbers, the students    use the gas to power the water treatment plant and other things
get great food, various selections of cuisines with the freshest  in the area. In addition to everything that Epicurean is doing
produce available any given week. When you purchase local         on the front end, they are also working with our community
and seasonal, you are doing the right thing, from the students’   partners so that we can be as sustainable as possible in the
aspect, but also from the background monetary aspect of the       back end, as well.”
company. I hate to bring this up, but it is about dollars and
cents, but if you manage to what is happening in the fields           Dining Services serves most of its meals in the dining
you are always going to be right.”                                hall; but when students need to take items to go, they make
                                                                  sure to use compostable products from World Centric. “They
    Waste management is also important. “Another one of the       are one of the partners that we have had with Epicurean for
key things we do is watch all of our production so we are not     years now,” said Julian. “With any of the box lunches that we
wasting the resources we have been given here,”                   do for any faculty events, if that is the direction they want
said Julian. “That does not mean running out of                   to go, everything will go into compost. It will break down
anything, but it means very closely monitoring                    in 60-80 days.”
what the students are eating and adjusting our
menus.”                                                               Dining is also concerned with animal welfare. “It is the
                                                                  right thing to do and one of the foundations of Epicurean
    Dining is also working with the local govern-                 Group. With the students and their ongoing education, they
ment of Marin County with its sustainable prac-                   want to know how the food was raised. We can tell them that
tices. “For a few years now, Marin has been trying                that chicken was running around the field. The eggs that we
to pioneer more sustainable practices countywide,”                use are cage-free.”
said Dr. Paul Raccanello, Dominican’s dean of
students. “For years they were doing a lot of                         Epicurean also is open about its policies with students.
composting. They have always been big in the                      “It is not a significant percentage, but there is a percentage
recycling. The sanitation district is probably one                that, from day one, there is an interest, if not a passion, for
of the pioneers in the country. They started a                    learning how their food is sourced, where it is coming from
Food-to-Energy program about two years ago,                       and the sustainable aspect behind the meals they get in the
where basically, they take compost that goes into                 dining hall,” said Raccanello. “For students, it is an issue for
a special bin and at their plant, they have these
                                                                                                                  ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY
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