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have hardly used in the past and create some unique and fun                      stop them,” said Neener. “We trained them on it, so they don’t
entrées. It is really nice.”                                                     do it any more.”

    When Dining is not using species like dogfish, monkfish                          Sustainable seafood is often available to students as lim-
and skate, it also uses items like sustainable tuna from Wild                    ited-time offers (LTOs). “When we do see a good buy that is
Planet. “We serve it on the salad bar,” said Reeves. “We also                    within our sustainable window, Chef Burke has really been
do melts with it. We do elevated toasts, which is trending right                 incredible to foresee what the needs are and what the trends
now. We also do lettuce wraps. We do regular sandwiches.                         are, and use those tilapia and sole and others on our entrée
We offer it so you can scoop and serve it and put it right on                    dishes in the retail restaurants,” he said. “It does take a good
your salad.”                                                                     amount of strategy and planning to make sure we have the
                                                                                 right fish and are not just buying the common denominator
    There is a learning curve with the tuna. “Chefs who have                     fish that everyone else buys. You really do have to plan it
been using tuna from a can would take that can and auto-                         out. Our LTOs are based on the availability of the fish. It is
matically squeeze the juices out, and I remember seeing our                      in our core. It is one of our core values to be able to do that.”
foodservice workers doing that and the chef would have to
                                                                                     The school is working the Menus of Change message
      MAKING SANDWICHES?                                                         to its campus community. “We drilled down a little further
                                                                                 and made a Seeds of Change initiative,” said Neener. “That
    WE HAVE YOUR                                                                 is a campuswide marketing initiative. That is where we are
   BUNS COVERED!                                                                 talking about what our sustainable efforts are, what some of
                                                                                 the proteins we are using. On the line, when students come
We know                                                                          up we have nameplates. The better we get at this, we will
Sandwiches!                                                                      be able to say what farm it came from, what fishery it came
                                                                                 from, and things like that. We try to do it in the moment and
» Biscuit & bun slicing                                                          on the lines.”
» Sandwich and wrap cutting
» Bread denesting and buttering                                                      One popular way that Dining gets the Seeds of Change mes-
» Topping application/slice & apply                                              sage across is through a cooking competition. “Each quarter,
» Condiment and wet salad depositing                                             we have a competition with our chefs,” he said. “They were
» Conveyor wash/clean-in-place systems                                           given a blank card basically of creativity, except they had to
                                                                                 follow a couple of guidelines. They had to do a produce-first
VISIT US AT:                                                                     dish. They had to use healthy oils. They had to use 4 ounces
                                                                                 of protein, but 2 ounces of that protein needed to be plant-
              CHICAGO, ILLINOIS                                                  based. They needed 4 ounces of vegetables and 4 ounces of
              SEPT. 19-22, 2017                                                  the whole intact grains. Each quarter, they were given that
              Booth: N-1517                                                      chance, and students got to vote on it.”

614-868-8414 • 888-534-7683                                                          At the end of each quarter, the preliminary winners face                                                          off in a three-day culinary competition. “We did it just like                                                          an ACF (American Culinary Federation) competition where
                                                                                 they were out in the middle of the restaurant, and everyone
                      To feed our growing world - Together                       was watching them, making them nervous,” said Neener. “It
                                                                                 was a really cool thing, and we are definitely going to be
                                                                                 promoting that. It promotes our healthy eating. People try
                                                                                 the food and they can’t believe there are only 2 ounces of
                                                                                 meat protein in the dish. It is really one of our healthiest
                                                                                 initiatives that we have.”

                                                                                     The most popular dishes, some of which contained sus-
                                                                                 tainable seafood, were added to the cycle menu.


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