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Upgrading Dining Options

Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP)                                                                  Photos: Stantec
    in Indiana, Pa., is undergoing a $37 mil-
    lion dining master plan that upgrades                                                             The international selections were
options all across campus.                                                                        added to the offerings because of
                                                                                                  the increase in that population on
    The plan, called IUP Dining Innovations,                                                      campus. “IUP has a fair number of
began in 2012, and recently completed the                                                         international students with large
second of three phases with last year’s open-                                                     Asian and Indian populations,” said
ing of Folger Dining Hall, which for the                                                          Jennifer Braughler, district marketing
first time in its more than 40-year history,                                                      manager with Aramark. “We also
is an all-you-care-to-eat facility.                                                               added to that station last semester.
                                                                                                  We have a sushi machine that is part
    “Folger Dining Hall was previously a                                                          of the grill that works alongside the
retail dining facility,” said Richard Iams,                                                       international portion.”
resident district manager with Aramark, the
campus foodservice provider. “As part of                                                              Pasta La Vista, a pasta and piz-
the master plan, we are opening two new                                                           za station, also represents the new
residential dining halls, with another that                                                       dining objectives. “We make fresh
opens next year. Folger was completely                                                            pasta from scratch and then cook
gutted, completely renovated. It is a huge                                                        it to order for students,” said Iams.
building with a few small tenants in the                                                          “We also have a very cool industrial
building, a small post office and print shop.                                                     pizza oven. It is actually one that
Besides that, the building really is all for                       has giant wheels inside. We are able to cook up to 18 pizzas
residential dining now, so it is a conversion                      at one time.”
and it is part of that plan.”                                          Another station is Sandwich Artisan, a made-to-order deli.
                                                                   “We offer a few custom sandwiches every day,” said Braughler.
    Folger was converted from retail of-                           “We have some suggestions, but we also have the made-to-
ferings after phase one of the project, The                        order component with different meats, cheeses and toppings.
Crimson Café, located on Eleventh Street                           The sandwiches can be heated also.”
across from Sprowls Hall and adjacent to                               Olive’s Kitchen features home-style cooking. “It is named
the IUP Performing Arts Center, opened in August 2014. The         for Olive Folger, who was the dining service supervisor when
$6.5 million, 400-seat Crimson Café retail dining facility         the building was constructed,” she said. “We offer traditional
includes a Starbucks, the Crimson Bistro, Burger Studio and        things like meatloaf, mac and cheese, and baked chicken. We
the Fireplace, plus a selection of grab-and-go items, including    have a rotisserie there.”
soup, salads, wraps and hot meals.                                     When the new Folger opened in September of 2015, Olive’s
                                                                   also featured an area for students with special dietary needs.
    An overall culinary philosophy is part of all of the new       “We expanded that since we opened,” said Braughler. “Our
facilities in the plan. “With all of our new facilities, and spe-  special dietary needs area has its own section now, called Hawk
cifically with Folger Dining Hall, our objective was to make       Hub, so we try to be as friendly as we can to people who need
the whole experience far more interactive, with more display       made-without-gluten and allergy-free foods.”
cooking, to bring the food out in front of the students, both
in its preparation and display,” said Iams.

    The new Folger features a number of major stations, but
two in particular, according to Iams, stand out for their rep-
resentation of this objective. “The Global Grill is sort of our
center stage where we have a large Mongolian grill, which
graces the floor in the front of the main facility, where we
do both traditional American foods on one side, and we do a
variety of international foods on the other.”

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