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    at Georgia Southern

                                                             BY KATIE MILLER

Georgia Southern University’s beautiful campus               tany Parham, CDM,
        draws you in at first glance with its old Southern   CFPP, FMP, is also a
        architecture and majestic oak trees dotting the      graduate of Georgia Southern University, and while
  landscape. The university has a strong established his-    her hometown of Albany, Ga., is across the state, she
  tory of pride and tradition with an intense belief in the  said, “Georgia Southern and Statesboro have always
  truth of one of these traditions: the water in beautiful   felt like home to me, and I stayed because it is my
  Eagle Creek holds magic. Eagle Dining Services (EDS)       home. Georgia Southern was my first choice of colleges
  has found the right mixture of that magic to make it       to attend and I am a proud third-generation Georgia
  the landing place for many Georgia Southern gradu-         Southern graduate. My grandmother attended college
  ates who choose to make Statesboro, Ga., and Georgia       here when it was Georgia Teachers College, and I love
  Southern home, even after they have diplomas in hand.      knowing I’m walking in the same steps she did.”
      EDS employs a little over 100 full-time staff
  members, with roughly a third of those being Geor-             The feelings and emotions that Brittany experiences
  gia Southern graduates who hold leadership positions       about Georgia Southern and Statesboro are not unusual;
  within the department. Among those alumni, a variety       They are what EDS believes contribute to the retention
  of positions are occupied, starting from the top with      and return rate of graduates who seek employment
  Jeff Yawn, executive director of EDS. Jeff is from the     within the university, specifically within EDS.
  Statesboro area and chose Georgia Southern because
  he wanted to remain close to home. After graduation,           Georgia Southern has experienced a steady increase
  he began his career away from Georgia Southern, but        in enrollment over the past 10 years, which has helped
  found himself back within EDS when an opportunity          its recognition, and propel the university to a first school
  presented itself to work at an on-campus retail loca-      of choice. It is a fully accredited institution with a
  tion. Since then, he has worked his way up through         multitude of undergraduate and graduate degrees, and
  the ranks of EDS to become the executive director of       offers all the amenities and services of a larger school
  the department.                                            on a smaller campus. In 2014, the NCAA extended an
      I asked Jeff why he thought EDS has such a high        invitation to Georgia Southern to make the move from
  retention rate of Georgia Southern graduates. “I be-       the FCS [Football Championship Subdivision] Southern
  lieve it’s because we as a community, both Georgia         Conference to the FBS [Football Bowl Subdivision]
  Southern and Statesboro, are so tight knit and mutu-       Sun Belt Conference. The move brought with it added
  ally connected to one another’s success. That creates      national recognition, more opportunities to offer dif-
  a strong bond for both sides, and has always helped        ferent degree options and an increase in enrollment.
  the students feel a part of the Statesboro community       The resulting growth also produced more employment
  while attending college here.”                             opportunities within EDS for both students and alumni.
      Statesboro was founded in 1803 as a community          It has been a win-win for the football program, the
  surrounding and supporting the growth and harvest of       university and Eagle Dining Services.
  cotton. A little over 100 years later in 1906, Georgia
  Southern was founded as the First District Agricultural        Community, tradition and pride are all synony-
  & Mechanical School. Through the years, the school         mous in the South. Georgia Southern and Statesboro
  has changed names, and on July 1, 1990, it became          both know that living True Blue is the only way to be.
  the fifth member of the University System of Georgia,      Georgia Southern alumni who are EDS employees
  becoming known as what it still is today — Georgia         will proudly be the first to educate others in the value
  Southern University. It’s the largest employer in States-  and honor of becoming a part of Georgia Southern
  boro, and Eagle Dining Services plays a broad role in      again, both as a graduate and as a member of Eagle
  that employment, with 408 student workers and 587          Dining Services. Georgia Southern University is an
  total employees.                                           extraordinary institution, and Eagle Dining Services
      Eagle Dining Services Nutritional Coordinator Brit-    continues to build upon that solid foundation. —OCH

                                                                 Katie Miller is marketing manager with Auxiliary
                                                             Services at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro.

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