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Around the Campus                                                               The Top 20:

      The Princeton Review Releases                                        	 1. 	University of Massachusetts – Amherst
                                                                           	 2. 	Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine
           Best Campus Food List                                           	 3. 	Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
                                                                           	 4. 	Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
The Princeton Review has released its list of the top foodservice opera-   	 5. 	St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn.
    tions in the country, with the University of Massachusetts – Amherst   	 6. 	College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine
topping the list for the first time.                                       	 7. 	James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Va.
                                                                           	 8. 	Saint Anselm College, Manchester, N.H.
    The rankings of the top 20 schools in 62 categories in The Princeton   	 9. 	Washington University of St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo.
Review’s The Best 381 Colleges, released Aug. 29, are based on surveys     	10. 	Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa.
of 143,000 students at the schools in the guide.                           	11. 	University of Scranton, Scranton, Pa.
                                                                           	12. 	Bates College, Lewiston, Maine
    “This honor is shared by every member of our staff who work each       	13. 	Scripps College, Claremont, Calif.
day to serve healthy, sustainable and delicious meals to our students,”    	14. 	Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa.
said Ken Toong, executive director of Auxiliary Enterprises at UMass       	15. 	Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Amherst. “This ranking is also a tribute to our students, whose high       	16. 	Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa.
expectations drive our team to excel.”                                     	17. 	University of San Diego, San Diego, Calif.
                                                                           	18.	 College of St. Benedict/Saint John’s University,
    UMass Dining is now the largest college dining services operation      	 	    St. Joseph, Minn.
in the country, serving 45,000 daily meals or 5.5 million per year. Since  	19. 	Seattle University, Seattle, Wash.
1999, overall participation in the university meal plan has more than      2	 0.	 Goucher College, Baltimore, Md.
doubled, from 8,300 participants to more than 19,200.

                  Mount Saint Mary Names New Dining Partner

Mount Saint Mary College in New-           meals with fresh food from local farms           Students will now have unlimited ac-
       burgh, N.Y., has named Parkhurst    and producers of food, such as Hud-          cess to meals at The View, the college’s
Dining is its new foodservice partner.     son Valley Harvest in Kingston, N.Y.;        main dining hall. In addition to a build-
The company began serving the college      Shenandoah Farm in East Fishkill, N.Y.;      your-own-salad bar and enhanced to-go
on August 1, 2016.                         Rockland Bakery in Nanuet, N.Y.; City        selections, guests of The View will enjoy
                                           Baking LLC on Long Island; and Hud-          all-day breakfast. Gourmet sandwiches
    “I’m delighted that Mount Saint Mary   son Valley Fresh in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.       and pizza will also be served until 3 a.m.
College has partnered with Parkhurst,”
said James Raimo, vice president for           Local purchasing through Parkhurst’s         “Parkhurst’s 24/7 meal options will
Facilities and Operations. “The partner-   FarmSource program not only boosts the       help transform The View into an evening
ship offers students, faculty and staff a  area economy and ensures fresh food at       gathering space for all of our students,”
variety of delicious and convenient meal   the college, it reduces the distance food    noted Elaine O’Grady, the school’s vice
options throughout campus, to enhance      travels from harvest to table and increases  president for students. “With food and
                                                                                        additional programming hosted by the
the already stellar Mount Saint Mary       the ability to support local agriculture.    Mount, students can continue to study
College experience.”                       Through FarmSource, Parkhurst works          and collaborate in an attractive environ-
                                           with more than 250 local farmers and         ment well after most other local eateries
    As Parkhurst places a premium on cu-   producers, all within a 150-mile radius      have closed their doors for the night.”
linary excellence, menus throughout the    of its locations.
campus will include made-from-scratch                                                       Henry’s Courtside Café and The
                                                                                        Dominican Center Café will deliver
                                                                                        nutritious, customized meals for when
                                                                                        students do not have time to take advan-
                                                                                        tage of The View. Using Mount Money,
                                                                                        Flex Dollars, cash or credit, diners at
                                                                                        Henry’s will enjoy a variety of flatbreads,
                                                                                        pasta, deli favorites and fresh-grilled
                                                                                        items. The Dominican Center Café will
                                                                                        serve expanded menu options, includ-
                                                                                        ing salad, sandwiches, sushi, and more.

                                                                                            In addition, the café in the college’s
                                                                                        Kaplan Family Mathematics, Science,
                                                                                        and Technology Center will now proudly
                                                                                        serve Starbucks coffee and espresso

                                                                                            A majority of the hourly wage em-
                                                                                        ployees from the college’s previous dining
                                                                                        service provider have accepted positions
                                                                                        with Parkhurst, and remain stationed at
                                                                                        the Mount.

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