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Around the Campus

The students and staff at the                   Taste of UCM Held                            Janet Adams Decker, director of Resi-
    University of Central Missouri                                                           dent Dining with Sodexo, the campus
(UCM) in Warrensburg got a “Taste             that dining dollars can be used at the retail  foodservice provider. “There was a lot
of UCM” when they returned to                 outlets. “Taste of UCM was a blast,” said      of enthusiasm in the room. We were
campus for the fall semester.                 Scott Whitehead, key account manager           able to showcase our Simple Servings,
                                              with Pepsi. “We had a lot of fun at the        Mindful, International and Late-Night
    The event, which took place at            sampling. The UCM students and staff           Diner menus for resident dining, as well
the school’s Elliott Student Union,           were polite, fun and very appreciative.”       as offer samples from our 11 retail out-
was held during the annual Week                                                              lets across campus, including Traditions
of Welcome to help introduce new                  The Dining Services Street Team (a         Restaurant, UCM Catering, Starbucks,
and returning students to the dining          group of UCM students who go out to            Einstein Bros., SPIN Pizza, Southern
options available on campus. Retail,          spread the word about campus dining)           Thunami and Taco Bell.”
restaurant, catering, resident dining         had a table with a prize wheel to engage
and staff from Pepsi, a sponsor of            students and discuss social media. The             The Taste of UCM will become an
the event, were on hand to share              team added 150 new social media fol-           annual event held during the first week
favorite foods from 15 locations on           lowers during the event.                       of classes.
campus. Guests received a punch card
with each dining location and were given          “It was exciting to see so many new
four weeks to visit each location, get their  and returning faces at this event,” said
card stamped and redeem it for a prize.

    The idea originated during a brain-
storming session by UCM students
Adriana Vivas, graphic designer, and
Becky Hartman, programming graduate
assistant. The students were working on
programs that would generate traffic in
the Elliott Student Union in partnership
with UCM Dining Services by Sodexo.

    The event was also an opportunity for
staff members to talk about the locations,
hours of operation and inform students

                   Georgia Tech Holds Pizza Artisan Academy

In advance of the fall 2016 semester, Georgia Tech Din-      creativity by creating personal meals. Class favorites
  ing Services, operated by Sodexo, hosted a Pizza Artisan   included a chicken curry pizza with purple onions,
Academy at its North Avenue Community Restaurant.            red and green bell peppers, and mozzarella with an
                                                             herb-infused olive oil spread on freshly grilled bread;
    Led by Campus Executive Chef Jonathan Elwell and         fried pizza dough covered in powdered sugar with
Corporate Chefs Jason Smallwood and Brian Palombo, both      a side of fresh whipped cream; and a fresh-made
from Rich’s Products, the session trained more than 15 Din-  focaccia sandwich with chicken, mustard vinaigrette,
ing Services employees on Rich’s bread and dough products    arugula, Roma tomatoes and mozzarella.
for pizza, pretzel and sandwich
creations.                                                       Before digging in, class participants presented
                                                             their dishes to the group and shared their most valu-
    The first half of the train-                             able lessons.
ing was spent learning how to
best use equipment to trans-
form dough into fresh and fluffy
baked breads. “Education and
knowledge of kitchen equip-
ment is the foundation of any
successfully prepared dish,”
said Elwell. “Our staff are
prepared and expected to cre-
ate meals that are nutritious,
delicious and visually appeal-
ing, and this training supports
those efforts.”

    The remainder of the train-
ing allowed staff to explore their

6 | OCTOBER 2016                                                                            ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY
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