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Around the Campus

                   Stevenson Introduces New Chef with Demo

This semester, Stevenson University         his culinary support team wore tie-dye           Given the great turnout (with stu-
    welcomed more than just the class       shirts; and the demonstration tables, lined  dents and staff alike coming back for
of 2020: its dining services provider,      with exotic fruits and decorative flow-      seconds or to try items they hadn’t fit
Sodexo, also welcomed two new exec-         ers, held a variety of Hispanic snacks       on their plate during their first stop), the
utive chefs to its culinary team at the     and beverages.                               culinary team is excited to plan another
university.                                                                              Chef’s Demo for Chef Jones in the com-
                                                “The event was a huge success,” said     ing weeks.
    Executive Chef III R.C. Purdie (Chef    Yacobi. “Students and staff flocked to the
Reggie, for short) and Executive Chef       demonstration tables to try new things,
II Kevin Jones arrived ready to engage      and even take selfies with Chef Reggie!
and excite students and their palates; all  Originally planned for one hour during
they needed was an introductory plat-       lunch hours, the event was so success-
form. Purdie worked with the market-        ful that we continued to offer Chef ’s
ing coordinator, Meriel Yacobi, to plan     special tasting menu for two full hours
a series of fun, food-focused events to     during lunch.”
showcase the chefs’ talents,
as well give the students a                 Plodzik New Director at Dartmouth
chance to meet and interact
with them.                                  Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., has named
                                                 Jon Plodzik as its new food service director for
    The first event was a                   Dartmouth Dining Services (DDS).
Chef ’s Demo featuring
Purdie and Pastry Chef Erin                 Plodzik now leads Dartmouth’s self-operating
Cooper. Aware that one of
the challenges faced by the                 food business, which offers all-you-care-to-eat and
culinary team was the stu-
dents’ desire for new and                   a la carte options to Dartmouth’s students, faculty,
exciting items, he wanted
to offer students and staff                 staff and visitors. In addition to a number of dining
a tasting menu full of ex-
citing flavors and pops of                  halls, DDS encompasses a number of convenience
color: he wanted to capture
their full attention through                stores, athletic concessions, seasonal catering, the
every sense.
                                            library café and a campus food truck expected for
    With the support of
several members of the culinary team,       fall term 2016.
Purdie prepared a flavor-packed menu
featuring Ensalada de Calle (Mexican            Prior to joining Darmouth, he worked at the Uni-   Plodzik
City Street Salad) with the option to       versity of New Hampshire in Durham, since 1998,
add either chicken or shrimp skewers;
Ice Cream Nachos (with spicy Aztec          most recently as the director of Dining Services. He
Chocolate ice cream, Mango Chili Lime
sorbet, and Roasted Coconut and Kefir       and his team developed one of the finest college dining programs in the country.
Lime ice cream), as well as mini tres
leches cakes by Cooper, and ganache-        Dartmouth plans to draw upon Plodzik’s expertise and leadership as Dart-
dipped coconut macaroons from baker
Walter Schmidt.                             mouth Dining programs are expected to grow during the implementation and

    Purdie also prepared a homemade         expansion of President Phil Hanlon’s House Community program.
juice consisting of cantaloupe, pineapple
and mint.                                   Plodzik replaces David Newlove, who was promoted to associate vice

    The marketing team promoted the         president of Business and Hospitality within Dartmouth’s Campus Services
event by placing advertisements on its
social media pages, in residence halls      division. During the transition, Ron Moore, director of Culinary Services,
and digital menu boards leading up to
the demo.                                   assumed additional responsibilities.

    The day of the event, students and
staff were invited to come and meet Pur-
die and try his special tasting menu as
they entered the Rockland Marketplace,
the campus dining hall. It was hard to
walk past: he was wearing checkered
pants and a pink chef ’s jacket, while

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