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Wilson: Last year, 40 sailors participated from various   Government Food Service: Is there anything else about
            commands throughout the Navy. There were also partici-  the Navy Food Service program that you’d like to add?
            pants from the other services who were recognized for
            their respective culinary awards. It was only fitting that   Wilson: Yes. These young men and women are the
            the NRA incorporated the joint culinary award winners as   real deal! I’ve been exposed to the plethora of talent across
            part of the overall training program. Over three days, the   the Navy via the numerous avenues that showcase their
            NRA tested the services’ ability to work with one another   achievements: schoolhouse training, culinary competi-
            as a team. Each team spent two days at Kendall College   tions, Ney award winners, etc. Their successes are also
            in Chicago learning about Go for Green, dining concept   recognized internationally. Two thousand and seventeen
            development and the presentation of a business plan to   marked the fourth year the United States Navy accepted
            a panel of industry professionals for critique.     and participated in the Royal Navy’s Culinary Competi-
              Culinary winners also received advanced training from   tion. Six culinary specialist competitors from across the
            three of the top chef instructors at the Culinary Institute   Navy traveled to the United Kingdom in September to
            of America School at Greystone. The training consisted   train and collaborate with the Royal Navy for their annual
            of basic knife-handling skills, basic knife cuts, nutritional   Exercise Joint Caterer Culinary Competition. The team was
            menu drafting and taste-testing techniques. Participants   highly successful, bringing home three “Best in Show,”
            also learned about flavors of the world, olive oils, salts,   two Gold, five Silver and four Bronze medals in various
            and cooking for the seasons.                        categories. CS1 Frida Karani also took home the coveted
                                                                Senior Grand Prix Armed Forces Chef of the Year award.
              Government Food Service: Has Navy Food Service been   She is the first female and second American to win this
              influenced by or implemented any of the dining facility   coveted title. Congratulations CS1 Karani!
              design ideas presented during the three-day NRA training                                      —GFS
              program in its galley operations?

               Wilson: The advanced training provided by the NRA
            is always a huge success amongst the sailors, and dining
            facility design is one area that is quite popular with the cur-
            rent generation. With the continuous
            advancements in technology and an
            evolving customer base, galley design
            has become a focus area for the Navy.
               Navy’s partnership with Johns
            Hopkins University in the develop-
            ment of TANG healthy innovative
            eating initiatives addressed this need.
            Improvements to dining facility in-
            frastructure, incorporating state-of-
            the-art technology, innovative food
            service equipment, and a trendy
            exterior/interior re-design are areas
            we want to leverage to encourage
            patronage and healthy eating styles.
            Some improvements would include
            galley lounge makeovers with Wi-Fi,
            multi-purpose seating, TVs, music,
            coffee/tea bars, and other amenities
            to create a more desirable customer
            experience. Our greatest challenge is
            that modernizing a galley takes time
            and money. Over the next couple of
            years, and as funding becomes avail-
            able, improvements will continue.

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