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                                                                              USS AMERICA (LHA 6)

                                                                  Commanding Officer: Capt. J.R. Olson
                                                                  Executive Officer: Capt. D.A. Nowicki
                                                                  Supply Officer: Cmdr. Ernan Obellos, SC, USN
                                                                  Food Service Officer: CWO2 Morio Hall, SC, USN
                                                                  Leading Culinary Specialist: SC PO (SW/AW) Lindsay Ridley
            the winners.                                          Total Number of Culinary Specialists: 44
               “These annual awards                               Total Number of Food Service Attendants: 62
            encourage excellence in                               Total Number of Meals Served Per Day: 7,200
            Navy food service programs
            with the objective of im-
            proving the quality of life                                 Each competing team’s members receive feedback
            for our Navy personnel,”                                 from judges during the evaluation about processes
            Spencer said. “I commend                                 that educate, inform and can improve daily work in
            the Navy Undersea Enterprise, Surface Warfare Enterprise,   the galley, ultimately resulting in better food service for
            Naval Aviation Enterprise, CNIC and individual commands   Navy personnel.
            for their hard work and commitment to excellence.”     Teams must maintain performance over multiple sets
               Teams appreciate going through the evaluation process   of evaluations over the course of a year. Assessments begin
            with judges, and consider being selected the winner in a   with the local and regional rounds followed by a Navy
            category as recognition of their commitment to maintain-  Installations Command visit and nomination. NAVSUP
            ing the highest standard of quality year-round, as well as   conducts the final round of inspections and selects each
            the culmination of a job well done.                 galley category winner.
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