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                  USAFE FOOD SERVICE SMALL SITE AWARD         College in Chicago, where participants attend seminars,
                                                              work on dining facility design project and present the team
                                                              plans to judges, who select a winner. As part of the train-
                            ***WINNER***                      ing program, participants spend a day at the NRA Show
                 VOLKEL AB, NL, 703RD MUNSS, USAFE            to visit with selected exhibitors and sit in on educational
                                                              sessions. (See the NRA Preview on page 26.)

                            ***WINNER***                         The oldest of the military food service awards, the
                       F.E. WARREN AFB WYO.,                  Hennessy program was established in 1956 to raise the
                                                              quality of Air Force food service by promoting excellence
                     90TH MISSILE WING, AFGSC                 in customer service and support to airmen.
                                                                 It was named in honor of a hotel and restaurant execu-
                DISNEY AWARD: BEST IN AIR NATIONAL GUARD      tive who led a special Hoover Commission Task Group
                                                              organized under President Eisenhower to improve military
                                                              food service.
                            ***WINNER***                         Now, after 62 years, the interaction with respected hos-
                125TH FIGHTER WING, FORCE SUPPORT             pitality industry peers brings outside expertise and recog-
             SQUADRON, SUSTAINMENT SERVICES FLIGHT            nition to Air Force Food Service, as well as to the training
                                                              and commitment required to achieve culinary excellence
                                                              along with contributing a boost to morale.
                                                                 Military culinary specialists gain expertise while working
                                                              under the observation of the Hennessy evaluators from
                                                              industry and within the military. The interaction is also
                                                              an opportunity to learn about professional civilian career
                                                              paths to follow after terms of service are completed.
                                                                 Momentum for the Hennessy started building in 1953
                                                              when President Eisenhower established the second Hoover
                                                              Commission to study ways to improve the efficiency of
                                                              government agencies. John L. Hennessy was a hotel and
                                                              restaurant executive who served on a special task group
                      HENNESSY TRAVELERS                      within the Hoover Commission.
                   ASSOCIATION EVALUATORS                     agencies being studied, and Hennessy was part of a task
                                                                 The Department of Defense was one of the government
                                                              group focused on making improvements to troop feeding
               AIR FORCE                                      and commissary programs (principally, the troop issue
               Bill Spencer, AFSVA                            element as opposed to the retail stores).
               Technical Sgt. Aaron Edwards, USAF                A recommendation of the study was that military food
               Master Sgt. John Williams, ANG                 service operations begin a competition to identify and
               Chief Master Sgt. Dan Kelly, USAF Reserves
                                                              reward those judged to be the best, inspire better man-
               NRA                                            agement and build the food service command support.
               Dr. Jerry Chesser, California State Polytechnic University   First to implement this recommendation was the Air
               Pomona                                         Force when it established the program named in Hen-
               Ralph Goldbeck, partner, Kitchens to Go, Built by Carlin  nessy’s honor and later became known as the Hennessy
               Jay Marshal, executive chef, Sysco, San Francisco  Trophy Awards Program.
               Mike Sabella, president, Food Safety Certified
               Bernadette Ventura, senior manager, Food & Conference   AIR NATIONAL GUARD
               Services, Health Care Service Corporation         Air National Guard units make a similar commitment
               Carmen Vacalebre, restaurateur                 to motivating better food service under the Disney Award
                                                              Program. Named for the late Senior Master Sgt. Kenneth
                                                              Disney, the award remains a way to promote quality meal
             In addition, the winning teams also participate in a   service in the Air Guard.
          three-day training and education program involving mili-  Winners are recognized for Best Food Service among the
          tary culinary specialists from all the service branches as   99 Air Guard Units nationwide. Additionally, one member
          part of the National Restaurant Association’s Restaurant,   from each of the final three units is selected by the Hen-
          Hotel-Motel Show 2018, May 19 to 22 at McCormick Place   nessy evaluators to attend the weeklong hands-on training
          in Chicago.                                         forum at the CIA Greystone campus in California.
             Two days of the training program take place at Kendall                                        —GFS
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