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          that also taste great. Whole grains, veggies and fruit
          are favorites right along with mainstays pizza and
          chicken tenders.
             Chefs are finding more ways to substitute for car-
          bohydrates with vegetables. Vegetables are low-carb
          substitutes for bread, pasta and rice. Popular alter-
          natives are cauliflower rice and zucchini spaghetti.
             Herbs are ingredients that chefs commonly use
          to add zest and flavor to recipes. Chefs responding
          to the survey encourage going beyond the usual as-
          sortment by adding uncommon herbs to the mix,
          such as chervil, lovage, lemon balm and papalo, to
          create interesting and distinctive flavors.
             Creating better variety by expanding menus with ethnic   made with high-quality greens, grains   There are five teams
          influences figures into the last two of the top 10 trends   and proteins. Restaurants catering to   of 20 to 25 working
                                                                                                 on the dining facility
          based on the survey responses. Chefs encourage sampling   these needs gain loyalty and business.  design. Each team
          great global cuisine because people are more familiar with   Steps to reduce food waste are   subdivides into four
          authentic ethnic recipes, the No. 9 trend, through increased   fourth on the list. Chefs respond-  smaller groups  to
                                                                                                 work on specific as-
          travel and access to these foods.                   ing to the survey say reducing food   pects of the plan.
             Ethnic spices, at No. 10, are another approach for chefs   waste helps control food costs in the
          to create different tastes and flavor profiles. Chefs respond-  back of the house, as well as protects
          ing to the survey see consumers, especially younger ones,   the environment. Diners also are excited to support these
          as excited to try new spices and herbs. According to the   socially and environmentally responsible businesses.
          survey, harissa, curry, peri peri, ras el hanout and shichimi   Restaurant cuisine features a more vegetarian influence
          are spices that are in demand.                      in response to changing consumer attitudes. With more
                                                              consumers following vegetarian and vegan diets, restau-
          CUSTOMER TRENDS                                     rants are expanding the complex, inventive veggie-centric
             The top 10 food service concept trends identified by   items on their menus, including plant-based burgers and
          the ACF chefs responding to the NRA survey are having   sushi, that compete with beef and fish options.
          a close relationship with local sources, along with more   Environmental sustainability is the No. 6 trend. Din-
          healthful, sustainable and simple choices at restaurants.  ers are interested in going to restaurants that protect the
             The chefs say hyper-local foods, chef-driven fast-casual   environment and conserve water and energy. The busi-
          concepts, clean menus and veggie-centric foods will be   ness benefit is this also contributes to reduced operating
          among the most desired dining trends for this year.  and utility costs.
             More restaurants are serving foods that are grown, picked   Locally sourced meat and seafood ranks seventh on
          and processed on the premises because consumers think   the Top 10 food service trends in 2018. Chefs responding
          local equals freshness, the survey concluded.       to the survey say they want food raised or produced in
             Fast-casual restaurants is the No. 2 trend in the survey   their own region rather than elsewhere, and restaurant
          as the chefs driving these ideas serve great meals that are   companies are responding.
          fast, convenient and affordable.                       Right behind is locally sourced produce. Consumers
             Customers are also looking more closely at menus and   want to know where their food is grown and harvested.
          looking for natural ingredients. This third trend from the   They are interested in having the freshest produce pos-
          survey indicates that customers are eating more simply   sible, and say they are happy to help local farmers and
          and healthfully when dining out. They want menu items   purveyors grow their business, too.
                                                                         Chefs also identify a preference among con-
                                                                      sumers for simple classic recipes and getting
                                                                      back to basics. Stripping down recipes to fewer
                                                                      ingredients and rejiggering traditional recipes for
                                                                      today’s tastes are whetting consumers’ appetites.
                                                                         Lastly, farm/estate-branded items rank as the
                                                                                       No. 10 food service trend iden-
                                                                                       tified by chefs participating in
                                                                      USAF Chief Master   the survey. This is especially
                                                                      Sgt. Ed Walden in-  important to consumers who
                                                                      structs the culinary
                                                                      teams before sending   care about a connection to
                                                                      them on to the NRA   how food is grown and pro-
                                                                      show floor as part of   cessed.
                                                                      the training program.                —GFS

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