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ing at the CIA campus, including four
            consecutive days of training that start
            at 8 a.m. and continue until 5 p.m.
               A set of key events on the Forum’s
            fifth day is the Leadership Panel and
            Mentoring Roundtables. The Leadership
            panel gives military culinary partici-
            pants an opportunity to have career-
            focused question-and-answer sessions
            with selected industry experts. The
            Mentoring Roundtables are smaller,
            group discussions with the students
            on specific industry-related topics.    AIRMAN 1ST CLASS MARJOREE        AIRMAN RAVEN WINBURN,
               Training and education is the Fo-       RAZAL, SHAW AFB, S.C.            AVIANO AB, ITALY
            rum’s goal annually, and NRAEF steadily   “I am honored to be considered for the   “Competing for Hennessy so early in
            works on improvements to better pre-  award. I do work with very-hard-working   my career was an amazing experience.
                                                                                  Receiving the HTA was an honor. The
            pare its military culinary participants for   people, and we do our best to make our   airmen that I work with daily are dedi-
                                                      facility the best it can be.”
            when they return to their installations                             cated to excellence, and to be singled out
            or enter a professional career.                                          among them was humbling.”
               Working alongside the CIA’s culinary
            instructors and industry experts challenges the military   year, 41 in 2016, 36 in 2015, 32 in 2014 and 25 in 2013.
            food service participants to improve and perform to higher   Among those invited to attend this year’s Forum are
            standards that can be applied back at the dining facility   culinary specialists from the Air Force and from the Air
            or as a civilian in the hospitality industry.       National Guard. At the end of the training program, out
               A growing number of military culinary specialists partici-  of these nominees, the Air Force selects an HTA Award
            pate in the Forum each year with 48 invited and expected   of Excellence winner from both Hennessy Award regions
            to attend the 2018 Forum. That is up from about 46 last   and the Air National Guard names its Disney Food Service

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