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the best advice she could
            give a team competing for
            the Connelly is to have a
            plan in place, and to work
            that plan.
               “We noticed that every-
            body’s just jumping in and
            helping each other. Even
            command is saying ‘Can I
            get you anything?’ that sort
            of thing,” she said. “Overall,
            a lot of thought went into it
            and it shows.”
               Swain said her favorite
            part of the competition is
            knowing she is helping to
            shine a light on the culinary
            specialist career field, espe-                                                  Pvt. Austin Janakoski with a tray of
            cially as an option for military service members.   career asset.”              fresh rolls ready to be served and
               “The skills that they learn on the military side — if they   Judges from the Army and   for the Connelly judges to inspect.
            decide that in the future, say after retirement … they want   NRA evaluating units for the
            to go out into the world and maybe switch careers — gives   50th annual Connelly awards supervised the Nebraska
            them a really good opportunity to develop their culinary   Army National Guard’s Headquarters and Headquarters
            skills, and that can take them into anywhere in the food   Detachment, 110th Multifunctional Medical Battalion at
            service industry, from being a chef, to being a salesperson,   the Mead Training Site on St. Patrick’s Day.
            to training on equipment or managing people,” Swain    The Nebraska solders were graded as they prepared a
            said. “So this is a great jumping point. It’s an important   multi-course meal in a field environment using their mobile

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                                                                         GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE • JULY 2018 19
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