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                         Middle East Prime Vendor Challenge Delays Change

               transition to a new prime vendor for the Middle East   sider the teaming agreement among the contracts used
           A that began with a contract awarded in January 2018   to evaluate KGL’s experience. Instead, DLA substituted
          by Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support hit a snag in   for it with another contract KGL submitted as part of an
          May when the Government Accountability Office (GAO)   earlier proposal but had replaced. The set of contracts
          sustained a key challenge of several raised in a protest   DLA selected for consideration enabled KGL to meet the
          made by the current contractor.                     experience requirements and led to it being selected the
             KGL Food Services of Kuwait in January was awarded a   Middle East prime vendor.
          60-month contract with an estimated annual dollar value   However, it also became the foundation for GAO to
          of $90,237,903 to be the full-line food distributor supply-  sustain ANHAM’s challenge regarding KGL’s experience
          ing approximately 26 military and other federally funded   because DLA picked which contracts it considered from
          customers in Kuwait, Iraq, Syria and Jordan.        more than just the five each company is allowed to submit
             ANHAM FCZO LLC, the current Middle East prime    as part of a proposal.
          vendor, continues in that role until a follow-on contract   In a May 8, 2018, decision, GAO sustained ANHAM’s
          gets decided, according to Patrick Mackin, deputy director,   protest, concluding the solicitation’s language does not
          public affairs, Defense Logistics Agency. He added that   allow DLA to pick and choose which of the contracts
          new litigation had been filed since ANHAM protested the   submitted across multiple rounds of discussion it would
          award with GAO, and DLA is unable to comment further   consider. In fact, when more than five contracts were sub-
          at this time.                                       mitted, rules were for DLA to take those with the highest
             GAO in its May 8, 2018, decision recommended that   dollar value for consideration.
          DLA Troop Support either reevaluate KGL’s final proposal
          or revise the solicitation to reflect its
          requirements and obtain revised pro-
          posals.                                              Training Event Unites
             DLA Troop Support began the pro-             Armed Forces Food Services
          cess of selecting a new Middle East
          prime vendor when it issued a request      ith military food service working constantly to maintain high
          for proposals (RFP) on Dec. 18, 2015,  Wcustomer satisfaction, being able to brainstorm about warfighter
          and received seven submissions by the   expectations with experts and industry vendors is an advantage to keep
          Feb. 8, 2016 closing date, including   up with a constantly changing landscape.
          one each from KGL and ANHAM.           Air Force Services Activity (AFSVA) hosts the 2018 Armed Forces Food
             During the evaluation process, KGL   and Beverage Training Event Aug. 6 to 11 in San Antonio, Texas, at the
          in October 2016 revised its original   Wyndam San Antonio Riverwalk.
          proposal in response to concerns raised   It includes an educational program featuring sessions and presenta-
          by DLA, replacing two of five contracts   tions led by military and hospitality industry experts on topics for the
          it submitted as references and evidence   appropriated fund and nonappropriated fund segments.
          of performance experience.             The International Military Community Executives Association (IMCEA)
             In November 2016, DLA notified   also holds a half-day trade show during the training event from 10:30
          KGL that now each of the revised set of   a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 9.
          five contracts it provided fell short of   About 400 attendees from the Air Force and other services are expected
          dollar-value requirement set in the RFP.  for the training program and trade show. IMCEA expects to fill a show
             To meet the requirement and im-  floor with about 100 exhibit booths, and can accommodate as many as
          prove its evaluation, KGL in January   110. The last show two years ago, featured about 90 exhibitors.
          2017 revised its proposal a second time,   AFSVA considers the Training Event an opportunity for military food
          replacing one of the three contracts   service managers to discuss and learn about new ideas, as well as to net-
          submitted with the original proposal   work with industry experts and collaborate with vendors.
          while retaining the two substitutions
          made in the November revision.
             Again, DLA informed KGL in May
          2017 that it fell short of requirements
          and to submit a final revised proposal
          by the end of that month. The final
          proposal substituted the latest contract
          added in January with another that
          was performed for KGL by another
          company under a teaming agreement.   An educational program features topics for all   Within the Armed Forces Food and Beverage
             DLA recognized it could not con-  attendees plus breakout sessions where smaller   Training Event, IMCEA holds a trade show that
                                               groups can focus on specific areas of interest.
                                                                                it expects will feature about 100 exhibit booths.
          4    GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE • JULY 2018
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