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          DLA Troop Support to Scrub Prohibited Ingredients from NAPA/MPA

              ilitary food service programs, and   NAPA and MPA holders were sent the   ment’s established item description.
         Mthe subsistence vendors supplying   request in a letter from DLA Troop Support   Any items containing ingredients on
        them, are bracing for the implementation   dated Aug. 17, 2017. DLA Troop Support   the prohibited list will be removed gradu-
        of a set of guidelines that would prohibit   also mentioned it to companies attending   ally to avoid affecting support to military
        the use of certain ingredients in any items   a NAPA/MPA meeting it held on May 24,   food service programs. Manufacturers are
        served in a dining facility or aboard ship.  2017, during the Research and Develop-  encouraged to begin reformulating any
           As a result, dining facilities and galleys   ment Associates (R&DA) for Military Food   item containing a prohibited ingredient,
        will gradually no longer have some items   and Packaging Systems spring meeting in   and to notify DLA Troop Support if that
        available for use in meal preparation un-  Williamsburg, Va.         is not pursued or is not possible. Any
        less manufacturers are able, or want, to   DLA Troop Support plans to use the   item that does not meet the government’s
        reformulate the ingredients to comply   manufacturer information submitted to   description may result in a new Local
        with the guidelines.               it to identify those items that are non-  Stock Number (LSN), depending on the
                                                   compliant with the pending di-  magnitude of the change.
                                                   etary standards to be flagged for   Once items are identified as contain-
                                                   removal from the NAPA/MPA   ing prohibited ingredients, the military
                                                   listings.                 services and prime vendors will be notified.
                                                     Each manufacturer and ven-  The services will be provided an opportu-
                                                   dor is also requested to submit a   nity to indicate agreement to the removal
                                                   copy of the specification and la-  of the non-compliant items, followed by
                                                   bel for each item currently listed   notification to the prime vendors that
                                                   on its NAPA/MPA agreement,   these items should be deleted from their
                                                   which will be used to update   respective STORES catalogs.
                                                   DLA Troop Support’s database
                                                   and to ensure the item being   DLA Troop Support sent a notice to rescind the
                                                   provided meets the govern-  Aug. 17 Request for Disclosure Regarding Pro-
                                                                               hibited Ingredients, which was sent to all NAPA
            Pfc. Arturo Jimenez, a food service specialist from the 16th Combat Aviation Brigade, grills beef in   and MPA holders. Additional market research will
                                                                               be conducted to assess the economic impact the
            preparation for lunch at the Raptor’s Nest Dining Facility on Joint Base Lewis-McChord. New guidelines
            may affect the availability of items that dining facilities and galleys use in meal preparation. (PHOTO BY   limitation or removal of ingredients listed would
                PFC. ETHAN VALETSKI, U.S.A., 5TH MOBILE PUBLIC AFFAIRS DETACHMENT, JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, WASH.)  have on manufacturers and industry groups.
           According to Defense Logistics Agency
        Troop Support, Department of Defense     New DLA Troop Support Commander
        (DoD) Menu Standards and the soon-to-
        be published Joint Services Buyers’ Guide          Sets Clear Expectations
        (JSBG) prohibit certain ingredients, or
        products containing these items, in any   rmy Col. Mark Simerly recognized soon after becoming commander of Defense
        food served in a military dining facility. ALogistics Agency Troop Support in July the experience and dedication of its
           The list comprises: monosodium glu-  employees but wasted little time in challenging them to achieve a higher level of
        tamate (MSG), trans fats, hydrogenated   professional development.
        fats or partially hydrogenated fats, hemp   Simerly became commander of DLA Troop Support on July 11 during a ceremony
        seeds, and meat protein extenders, such   in which he succeeded Army Brig. Gen. Charles Ham-
        as, but not limited to, texturized vegetable   ilton, who took command in July 2015 and moved
        protein (TVP), etc.                on to his next assignment as the senior logistician
           In response, DLA Troop Support is   with the United States Forces Korea. Army Lt. Gen.
        investigating the items in its subsistence   Darrell Williams, who became the DLA director on
        supply chain to identify those that contain   June 16, officiated.
        one or more of the prohibited ingredients.   Seven days later, on July 18, DLA Troop Support’s
        It is asking vendors participating in the   new commander held his first town meeting to intro-
        National Allowance Pricing Agreement   duce himself to employees and discuss his leadership
        (NAPA) and Manufacturer Pricing Agree-  perspective.
        ment programs to identify any items being   “And if there’s one thing I learned in my short
        sold to the military that contain ingredi-  time here, which is just over a week, is that we don’t
        ents on the prohibited list, and then to   have too many short-term employees at Troop Sup-
        submit a copy of the specifications and
        label for each no later than Sept. 30, 2017.   Army Col. Mark Simerly, DLA Troop Support commander, discussed
        Information can be emailed to shannon.  trust, discipline and commitment during a town hall event for
                                            employees July 18. Simerly took command of the organization                        July 11. (PHOTO BY ED MALDONADO, DLA TROOP SUPPORT)
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