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          the future of rations.”                                                  Among the speakers are the di-
             A highlight of the visit is learn-                                 rector of subsistence at DLA Troop
          ing about the new, nutrient-dense                                     Support, Lt. Col. Abel Young, and the
          assault ration, which is being devel-                                 Army food advisor, CW5 Jim Don-
          oped with very, very high priority.                                   aldson, plus a presentation from the
          The goal is to produce a ration that is                               United Soybean Board.
          larger, lighter and more robust than                                     “That’s one of the objectives of this
          the First Strike ration, but smaller                                  session is to facilitate communication,
          than the meal, ready to eat, and can                                  because we’ll have the dietitians there
          better support soldiers and Marines                                   from the services,” he said. “The last
          during high-speed intense combat                                      meeting, we had a workshop with
          compared with preparing meals in                                      just the dietitians talking about the
          combat field kitchens.                                                menus.”
             “We want, and Natick has agreed,                                      The keynote speaker, Major Gen.
          let’s give industry some insights into                                Dwayne Gamble, is the commander
          what’s being done so they could plan                                  of the U.S. Sustainment Command
          and prepare for this,” he said. “What   Beverly Hamlette, Army field feeding specialist,   at Rock Island, Ill., which is respon-
          that tells you is that there’s going to   Joint Culinary Center of Excellence, reported on   sible for all garrison feeding in the
          probably be a greater emphasis on      progress with subsistence in the field.  Army, including contracting for din-
          operational rations, on the shelf-stable                              ing facilities.
          rations that soldiers can consume on                                     “He’ll focus on the role of the
          the move during intense combat.                                       Sustainment Command and also an
          There isn’t going to be a lot of time                                 opportunity for government to thank
          to stop and cook meals and prepare                                    industry for all that they do in feed-
          food in field kitchens.”                                              ing our warfighters,” he said.
             Attendees participating in the                                        A newly revised Boot Camp, 3 p.m.
          Natick Science and Technology Day                                     to 4 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 22, aims
          not only learn about the combat feed-                                 to better assist and prepare vendors
          ing program but visit the packaging                                   that have no experience working with
          labs, as well as all the other research                               the military or government to better
          and development underway, including                                   understand defense organizations, ap-
          sensory and tasting demonstrations.                                   propriation processes and funding.
          “It won’t be just a focus on that one                                 “They have a context and a perspec-
          ration,” McNulty said. “That will be an                               tive on how all of this fits together
          actual, good, solid four to five hours                                and why it’s so important that the
          at Natick. R&DA will bus folks in from                                government is involved with feeding
          a hotel to Natick and back to the   Betty Davis, science and technology branch chief,   its personnel,” he said. “Rather than
          hotel, same day. We have very, very   U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and   jumping right in to talking about all
          good feedback on that day.”         Engineering Center, at the R&DA fall 2017 meeting.  of these different agencies that are
                                                                            involved in feeding, give a little bit of
          WORKSHOPS AND SPEAKERS                              background of how they all fit into the defense system.”
             The rest of the R&DA fall meeting schedule features
          workshops on assorted topics and speakers from key or-  TABLETOP EXHIBITS
          ganizations and agencies supporting military subsistence.  To better represent industry to the government defense
             A large workshop and session is planned for DLA to   agencies that regularly attend its fall and spring meet-
          provide more information on the concerns and issues   ings, R&DA is featuring a select number of exhibit booths.
          over ingredients used in military food service and ingre-  Tabletop displays for about 15 vendors are expected to
          dients mapping for military garrison feeding programs.   be set up and active throughout the fall meeting. R&DA
          “We touched on it at the last meeting, and it all has to do   features a half-day food show with about 40 vendors at
          with these new nutritional standards that DoD has come   its annual spring meeting.
          out with and still aren’t finalized,” he said. “They’ve al-  “Our government and industry folks can visit their
          ready had a session, DLA Troop Support did, with certain   booths,” McNulty said. “This is a good assortment of folks,
          manufacturers; and what we’re trying to do is bring all   total of 15, and they’ll be there from the start of registration
          of those manufacturers back to our meeting and have a   on Monday right through close of business on Wednesday
          follow-on session and do some work on this.”        when the conference ends.”

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