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          explained how he felt after finishing, and     Partnership Encourages Military
          why he was successful. “It honestly went
          better than expected and I wasn’t in too much
          pain until about mile 10 after climbing the   Families to Explore Great Outdoors
          massive hill on Skyline Drive,” he said. “If
          I hadn’t been pushing myself these past few
          months, the last five miles would have been   he Air Force Ser-
          much more challenging than they were.”  Tvices Activity
                                                (AFSVA) is partnering
          SPRINT TRIATHLON                      with the National Park
             Sightly more than a month later, on   Trust (NPT) to bring
          March 3, NS Guantanamo Bay commu-     the “Buddy Bison Great
          nity members participated in the MWR   Outdoors Challenge” to
          Sprint Triathlon, consisting of a half-mile   military families at sev-
          swim, a 12.4-mile bike ride and a 3.1-mile   en participating instal-
          run. One participant, 15-year-old A’Janil   lations. This program
          Stokes, has been running since he was in   encourages children
          elementary school and isn’t letting Gitmo   and families to participate in programs, such as   Participants play a game
          slow down his progress at achieving his   camping, canoeing, fishing and hiking, while ex-  of tag during a “Leave No
          long-term running dreams.             ploring local, state and national parks.   Trace” workshop at Nellis
             The local Department of Defense Edu-  With funding from the Office of the Secre-  AFB, Nev., March 28, 2018.
          cation Authority (DoDEA) school, W.T.   tary of Defense, Military Community and Family   PHOTO: AIRMAN 1ST CLASS
                                                                                           ANDREW D. SARVER, USAF
          Sampson School, has a small population   Policy (OSD, MC&FP), the Air Force is piloting
          and is often unable to meet the sports needs   the program at seven installations: Moody AFB,
          of every student due to numbers needed to   Ga.; Hurlburt Field, Fla.; Little Rock AFB, Ark.; Hill AFB, Utah; F.E. Warren
          start up a program and the coaches needed   AFB, Wyo.; and in Colorado, Peterson AFB and the U.S. Air Force Academy.
          to run it.                            The funding allows the Air Force to supply installations with support materials
             Stokes participates in many of the MWR   to encourage participation, and participating installations kicked off events
          running events because it’s the only way for   for Buddy Bison in the early spring.
          him to participate in track-and-field-type   “We are excited to partner with the National Park Trust,” said Anthony
          events that enable him to judge how well he   Alcala, AFSVA’s Child and Youth Programs recreation specialist. NPT is a
          is doing. “The local school doesn’t have a   national non-profit that “protects national parks and engages kids with all
          track-and-field program, and because it is   of our country’s public lands and waters,” according to the organization’s
          so hard to get off island, the MWR events   website (
          are a progress tracker,” said Rodney Stokes,   “This partnership [with NPT] gives our Air Force families opportunities
          A’Janil’s father.                     to explore the great outdoors, strengthen family bonds and have fun while
             “I enjoy running. I loved it as soon as I   engaging in healthy activities,” said Fernando Brown, AFSVA’s outdoor rec-
          stepped on the track the first time,” A’Janil   reation specialist.
          said. “I love running because you need to   With the program, children receive a Buddy Bison passport or bingo card
          push yourself every single time, not just   to collect stamps at Buddy Bison stops. The stops can be found on an instal-
          against other runners, but run against your-  lation and at parks in the community.
          self and the time clock. It also relaxes me.”  “This really is a great opportunity to raise awareness of all the local
             According to his father, A’Janil wants to   resources available to airmen and their families,” Brown said. Based on the
          compete at the college level and hopefully   success of the Buddy Bison partnership with the Air Force, it may be expanded
          make the U.S. Olympic team — he is well   to other installations in the future.
          on his way since he is already ranked in
          U.S. track and field on the high school level.  OTHER OUTDOOR REC PROGRAMS
             “These events allow him to compete    Although not every installation will be enrolled in the Buddy Bison pro-
          with older adults,” said Rodney Stokes.   gram, all can participate in NPT’s “Kids to Parks Day,” held the third Saturday
          “When we get a chance to go off-island to   of May each year, this year on May 19. This national day of outdoor play
          compete in Amateur Athletic Union (AAU)   encourages exploring outdoor recreation; learning about science, technology,
          track and field events, he is running against   engineering and math; and embracing park stewardship.
          older kids so it helps him prepare.”     Individual bases also host other events. Nellis AFB, Nev., recently held a
             “It makes me feel really confident in   workshop with this theme, taught by the non-profit “Leave No Trace” group.
          myself to know that I am beating most of   Through a series of exercises, attendees learned the importance of planning
          the adults,” said A’Janil. “The next step is   ahead, respecting wildlife and most importantly, leaving no trace of human
          to go ahead and beat some of the kids that   disturbance. “It’s important to plan ahead,” said Donielle Stevens, a “Leave
          are in the States.”                   No Trace” traveling trainer. “The last thing you want is to either not pack
           Information reported by Mass Commu-  enough and run out of supplies or pack too much and become weighed down.”
          nication Specialist 1st Class John Philip   The lessons taught in the workshop were beneficial for all ages, said Aaron
           Wagner Jr., Naval Station Guantanamo   Hussmann, another “Leave No Trace” traveling trainer. Guests varied from
                   Bay Public Affairs           Boy Scouts looking to earn a new merit badge to non-commissioned officers
                                                brushing up on their outdoor knowledge.

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