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                         Navy Lodges Recognized for Outstanding Service

             he Navy Lodge Program announced  service, including guest rela-
          Tits 2016 award winners during its an-  tions and building and room
          nual worldwide Training and Strategy  cleanliness. The Grand Winner
          Workshop in May. The awards highlight  is Navy Lodge Sasebo, Japan.
          outstanding guest service in a variety of  Navy Lodge Everett, Wash.,
          facets of the Navy Lodge.         won in the medium category,
             “The Navy Exchange Service Com-  while Navy Lodge Monterey,
          mand’s (NEXCOM) Navy Lodge Program  Calif., won in the large cat-
          is an important quality-of-life benefit; one  egory.
          we are proud to deliver to our deserv-  The PCS Award for the
          ing sailors and their families,” said Rear  Navy Lodge with the great-
                                                est  increase in  room
                                                nights was Navy Lodge
                                                Little Creek-Fort Story,
                                                Va. Navy Lodge Ever-
                                                ett, Wash., received the
                                                PCS Award for the Navy   From left, Robert J. Bianchi, CEO, NEXCOM, pres-
                                                Lodge with the greatest   ents the Military Hospitality Training Excellence Gold
                                                percentage increase in   Award to Ana Herrera-Ruiz, general manager, and Ni-
                                                PCS rooms.               cole Nnoke, assistant general manager, Navy Lodge
                                                   Elena Knudson, gen-                 Bethesda.
                                                eral manager, Navy Lodge
                                                Naples, Italy, was named Navy Lodge   Also given out at the workshop were
                                                General Manager of the Year. Rahel  awards from The American Hotel and
                                                Menghestab, Navy Lodge Bethesda,  Lodging Association Educational Institute
                                                Md., was named the Navy Lodge As-  (AHLEI). These awards are made annu-
                                                sociate of the Year. The Marketer of  ally to hotels throughout the world that
                                                the Year Award, given to the general  meet certain standards and requirements.
                                                manager who promoted their Navy  For 2016, Navy Lodge Guantanamo Bay,
                                                Lodge through innovative, unique  Cuba, received AHLEI’s highest award,
            Bianchi presents the Military Hospitality Train-  and refreshing tools and tactics, was  the Meritorious Award. Navy Lodge
            ing Excellence Meritorious Award to Joycelyn   given to Lisa Wooten, Navy Lodge  Bethesda, Md., was the winner of the
            Connage-Johnson, general manager of Navy   Memphis, Tenn.          Gold Pineapple Award.
                   Lodge Guantanamo Bay.

          Adm. Robert J. Bianchi, SC, USN (Ret.),
          NEXCOM chief executive officer. “Our     Williams Named New DLA Director
          Navy Lodge teams have provided excep-
          tional professional service and displayed   n May 1, 2017, the U.S. Senate confirmed Army Maj.
          true leadership by building connections,  OGen. Darrell K. Williams for appointment to the rank
          trust and making our Navy community   of lieutenant general and to his next assignment as director
          better. They have all been able to achieve   of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). He replaced Air
          success by finding creative solutions and   Force Lt. Gen. Andy Busch, who retired on May 4.
          delivering outstanding hospitality to our   Prior to this position, Williams served as the commanding
          country’s heroes. Bravo Zulu to all our   general of U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command/
          winners for a job very well done!”  Sustainment Center of Excellence (CASCOM) at Fort Lee,
             The Edward E. Carlson Award is given   Va. CASCOM is a subordinate command of the Training
          each year to the Navy Lodge that is rated   and Doctrine Command and is a major training center for   Williams
          the highest in guest and associate sat-  the Army’s logisticians.
          isfaction, operations, quality assurance   This is the second time Williams has been assigned to DLA. From September
          assessment and financial performance.   2010 to July 2012, he served as the commander of DLA Land and Maritime
          The Navy Lodge of the Year for 2016   in Columbus, Ohio.
          is Navy Lodge Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.    His prior assignments include deputy chief of staff for the U.S. Army Mate-
          Navy Lodge Whidbey Island, Wash., is   riel Command at Redstone Arsenal, Ala.; director of logistics for Engineering
          the winner in the medium category, while   and Security Assistance, at Headquarters, U.S. Pacific Command in Hawaii;
          Navy Lodge San Diego won for the large   executive officer to the Army Deputy Chief of Staff, Washington, D.C.; brigade
          category.                           commander, 3d Sustainment Brigade at Fort Stewart, Georgia; and deputy
             Hospitality Awards were presented to   commander, Coalition Forces Land Component Command at Camp Arifjan,
          the Navy Lodges that rated the highest   Kuwait, during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.
          by guests in a variety of areas of guest

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