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Around the Campus

                             Alfred State Auxiliary Services Celebrates 70 Years

              einvention is the key to longevity   plays a critical role in at-
          Rin business if Auxiliary Campus   tracting the best students to
          Enterprises and Services Inc. (ACES)   the college. Last year, the
          at Alfred State University in New York   company provided more
          is any example. The company recently   than 500 scholarships for
          celebrated its 70th year in business.  area high school students
             At ACES, reinvention means that   who met academic criteria.
          every fall the company has to renew   ACES annually provides ad-
          itself to appeal to its new crop of custom-  ditional educational support
          ers. ACES is a not-for-profit company   for the college, including
          that supports the education mission of   help for the peer tutoring
          Alfred State.                      program and the culinary
             “College students always want the   arts program among others.
          latest and greatest innovations in services;   “Our remarkable longev-
          it’s really human nature,” explained ACES   ity can be attributed to our
          Executive Director David Sengstock.   ability to stay nimble and      Sara Weller, right, accounts payable clerk, receives
          “What is fun about our company is that   our long-standing commitment to the   her commemorative 70th anniversary pin from
          we have to anticipate the services they   college,” Sengstock explained.  ACES Director of Human Resources Christina Loper.
          want and then deliver them with excel-  As a 70-year-old company, ACES re-
          lence. This challenge keeps us young.”  lies on a stable, flexible and well-trained   Resources Christina Loper. “It is our
             ACES provides dining services, cam-  workforce to keep moving forward. “It’s   dedicated full-time staff that helps us
          pus bookstores, transportation, vending   important to note that our employees   become a new company every year. They
          and laundry services at Alfred State. The   — many, many of whom have worked   are completely dedicated to our students.
          organization also owns and manages the   for us for over 20 years — are critical   We get to know our student customers
          Lake Lodge in Alfred Station.      to our company and to our student cus-  and love and nurture them as they move
             As a partner of Alfred State, ACES   tomers,” said ACES Director of Human   through their college experience.”

                                    Penn State Berks Hosts Wings Election

              n Election Day 2016, students at Penn State                  about how serious the election year had been.”
          OUniversity campuses across the state, in                           Each Penn State campus had three of
          addition to casting their                                                          its chefs develop and
          votes for elected of-                                                                submit their recipe
          ficials, were able to                                                                for the wing sauce
          choose their favorite                                                               of their choice. On
          wing flavor.                                                                        the night of the
             The event first be-                                                              event, each student
          gan four years ago on                                                               received two wings
          the Berks campus of                                                                 of each flavor. They
          Penn State in Read-                                                                 also received a ballot
          ing. “I first devel-                                                                to vote for their favor-
          oped this special for                                                              ite wing. As an added
          the last election four                                                             bonus, one student’s
          years ago,” said Tom                                                               ballot was randomly
          Henry, manager, Hous-                                                              drawn to win a wing
          ing & Food Services                                                                party with their favorite
          at Berks. “I thought                                                               wing sauce.
          it would be a fun spin                                                               The winner at Penn
          on the presidential election and                                          State Berks was its “Sweet Insidi-
          allow students to get involved in                                         ous Wing Sauce,” a very spicy
          meal choices. Wing night is always                                        sauce that contained Carolina
          very popular, so students enjoy                                           peppers. “This sauce will be in-
          seeing the extra variety of wing                                          corporated into our spring menu
          flavors. With this year’s election,                                       cycle,” said Henry. “Students re-
          the level of negative campaigns                                           ally enjoyed the evening and really
          and the amount of stress everyone                                         enjoy seeing the extra variety of
          felt for it to be over, it took on a                                      wing flavors. Overall, a very suc-
          new twist to allow people to forget                                       cessful night.”

          6   |  FEBRUARY 2017                                                             ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY
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