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             The Street Team:

             A Unique Approach to Marketing at

                 University of Central Missouri

             By Janet Adams

              he dining team at the
              University of Central
          TMissouri (UCM) wanted
          to find an innovative way to
          reach students on campus and
          raise awareness regarding the
          dining program. Sodexo, the
          university’s campus dining
          partner, recognized the benefits
          of peer-to-peer communication
          and more-personalized mar-
          keting efforts and developed                                                  THE RESULTS
          The Street Team, a carefully                                                     The primary goal of The
          selected group of students who                                                Street Team is to support a
          can engage and influence the                                                  relevant and impactful mar-
          campus community through                                                      keting campaign that organi-
          direct communication and interaction.               cally improves student engagement and dining program results.
             UCM currently features three resident dining halls and 11   Since its inception in fall 2015, The Street Team has done just
          retail dining locations, including a Starbucks, Steak ’n Shake,   that, achieving positive results across a number of metrics.
          Taco Bell, Chick-fil-A and two Einstein Bros. Bagels. With   Because social media is one of the most popular plat-
          so many options on this large campus, students often have   forms for college students to interact, communicate and find
          questions regarding campus dining. In addition, on a campus   information, the UCM dining team measures social media
          that enrolls around 14,000 students, it can be challenging to   followers as a way to gauge the engagement level on campus.
          effectively communicate new programs, offers and events.   Since The Street Team was formed, each semester has seen a
          The Street Team works to overcome those challenges with   marked increase in social media followers, ranging from 22
          direct, innovative, interactive marketing and communication   percent to 30 percent.
          tactics and strategies.                                In addition, overall customer service scores have improved,
             The first step in implementing the program was identify-  in part because of The Street Team’s ability to address issues
          ing students who already had a strong presence on campus   as they arise and before they lead to customer dissatisfaction.
          and demonstrated skills in connecting with fellow students.   In spring 2015, customer satisfaction at the campus dining
          Prior to joining the team, most members were highly active   venues was 79 percent. After The Street Team was introduced,
          in campus clubs and organizations, and many held leader-  those scores jumped to 89 percent. The scores have remained
          ship roles within those groups. Choosing members from this   relatively steady since then, with the dining team achieving
          pool of candidates ensures that those on The Street Team are   an 87 percent score in the most recent semester.
          outgoing, have a large social circle of friends and acquain-  There has also been a substantial increase in voluntary
          tances on campus, and know how to engage with their peers.   meal plan sales due to The Street Team’s efforts to promote
          Members also tend to have a fun, affable nature and strong   them at campus events and highlight the value of meal plans
          communication skills.                               to their peers. On average, voluntary meal plan sales have
             The Street Team works to promote the dining program   increased more than 25 percent each semester since The Street
          and events on campus. They serve as subject-matter experts   Team was formed.
          regarding campus dining and specifically focus on highlight-  The Street Team has consistently received praise from
          ing aspects they believe will be most appealing to their peers.   university leadership, including UCM president Dr. Charles
          Students often feel more comfortable interacting with other   Ambrose and Dr. Shari Bax, UCM’s vice provost for student
          students, enabling The Street Team to engage their peers through   experience engagement. Sodexo leaders have also recognized
          a unique grassroots approach centered around authentic con-  the value of this innovative program and have begun to intro-
          versation and open communication. Members are available in   duce it on other client campuses.
          dining locations and at special events to answer questions and   The Street Team has proven to be an invaluable opportunity
          encourage student participation in campus dining.   to engage students and educate them about the benefits of
             Diane Wirthwein, a Sodexo marketing specialist, hires   campus dining while also improving operational results and
          and trains students for roles on The Street Team. Students are   enhancing client satisfaction.
          contracted to work a specific number of hours per week. They   Janet Adams in the director of Resident Dining at the
          earn dining dollars for use at campus eateries as compensa-  University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg.
          tion for their time.

          22   |  MAY 2017                                                                 ON-CAMPUS HOSPITALITY
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