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           Mission and Installation Contracting Command con-                           $71 million for food services,
           tracts are vital in feeding more than 200,000 soldiers                      allowing the Fort Lee Garrison
           every day. In fiscal 2017, the command executed                             leadership to not only shift
           more than 1,300 contract actions for accommodation
           and food services valued at more than $344 million.                         an estimated savings of $31
             (PHOTO BY T. ANTHONY BELL, FORT LEE PUBLIC AFFAIRS.)                      million to other installation
                                                                                       priorities but also provide the
             Full performance of the                                                   best support to its soldiers.
          contract by Cantu Services                                                     “It’s not just about the
          Inc. to provide meals at Fort                                                money, but the motivation and
          Lee began in September 2017                                                  innovation of a new contractor
          after a month-long phase in                                                  and a fresh perspective,” she
          during August. The installation                                              said. “Knowing that a contrac-
          boasts one of the Army’s larg-                                               tor comes on board with an
          est dining facilities at 75,000                                              excellent past performance,
          square feet and two stories                                                  they are pleased to see that
          with a capacity to feed 3,600 soldiers in 90 minutes.  services have improved based on initial feedback.”
             Officials from the Mission and Installation Contracting   Working from a draft request for proposal, officials from
          Command (MICC) office at Fort Eustis, Va., in partnership   the contracting operations directorate, MICC-Fort Eustis and
          with the customer and end users in industry, awarded a full   MICC-Fort Lee met with the customer at the end of 2016 at
          food service contract this summer to a small business after   Fort Lee to finalize the proposal. In January and February,
          receiving multiple responses for its request for proposals   they engaged with representatives from the food service
          that maximized the basis for a competitive range.   industry to tweak the proposal based on input.
             The director of MICC contracting operations at Joint   “It was very streamlined in evaluation with very few
          Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas, said that his-  ambiguities that could lead to questions. The whole pack-
          torically competition by small businesses has been low in   age was so succinct that industry knew what they were
          response to the Randolph-Sheppard Act.              getting. When you have a good package, they’re going to
             “They have a chance now. It will only help enhance   bid on it,” Hogston said.
          competition because a lot of them go into it thinking an   As part of its process, the team was able to create a more
          award is an automatic for the state,” Pat Hogston said.   definitive cost model to determine a fair and reasonable
             Debbie Frankovich, the director of contracting for MICC-  price per meal, with few exceptions, such as locality, col-
          Fort Lee, explained that the Randolph-Sheppard Act priori-  lective bargaining agreements and labor rates. Hogston said
          tizes contract opportunities to provide food services and   the cost model will also serve as an instrumental tool for
          vending facilities at federal and military locations for award   negotiation purposes by contracting officers throughout
          to vocational rehabilitation programs employing individu-  the MICC.
          als who are blind as a means of enhancing their economic   Based on the successful pilot of the contract package,
          well-being. This serves as a social program enacted by Con-  officials are making it the standard going forward with plans
          gress in 1936 to promote self-sufficiency for the blind and   to use it for contracted food services at Fort Jackson, S.C.,
          visually impaired. In every state there is a licensing agency   Fort Benning, Ga., and Fort McCoy, Wis. This includes the
          that chooses the blind vendor who will compete for the   use of the same acquisition strategy, solicitation, contract
          food service contract. Once the state is found to be in the   line item number structure and source selection, with the
          competitive range, contracts for full food services are ne-  exception of tailoring respective workloads.
          gotiated with the agency.                              Hogston pointed out that this standardized approach to
             “The competitive range is determined through an evalu-  food services also greatly reduced the procurement acquisi-
          ation of initial proposals submitted and the independent   tion lead-time. PALT is a critical measure of time between
          government cost estimate,” said Frankovich, adding that she   the initiation of an acquisition and delivery of goods or
          considers this a rare instance in which the state licensing   services. He said the contract “was on the street for 35 days”
          agency was found to be outside of that range.       and reduced the PALT to about 100 days, which considerably
             Small businesses tend to believe that because a state-  beat all goals for a multimillion-dollar contract of its size.
          licensing agency has been in the competitive range for food   A similar approach for base operations requirements for
          service contracts for so long, it almost impossible to award   the Installation Management Command and Fort Belvoir,
          a contract to anyone other than the agency, she continued.  Va., is currently being pilot tested. The MICC team leading
             “That tendency discourages some small business from   those efforts plans to engage with industry at Fort Belvoir
          committing a large amount of resources to building and   in November.
          submitting a proposal,” she said.                      “Once you start using standardized packages, it’s going
             The MICC-Fort Lee director believes the contract award   to save tremendous manpower for us and our customers,
          can also lead to even lower costs as small businesses are   because we don’t have to reinvent a contract,” Hogston
          encouraged to be more competitive when it comes to price.   said. “We’ll already have a 90 percent solution, and they’ll
          MICC-Fort Eustis awarded a five-year contract valued at   just add their workload.”
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