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P. 28

                                       Air Force Food Service
         Builds                              on its Success

                                                                  With Food 2.0

                                       Col. Donna L. Turner, USAF, Commander, Air Force Services Activity

                                Government Food Service: Up-     Turner: Our customers are the most important part of
                                date us on the progress in mod-  our business plan. Their voice continues to influence our
                                ernizing Air Force Food Service.   team in developing better ways to meet their needs. As
            Food 2.0 is the latest phase; explain what led Air Force   an Air Force community, our consumers desire healthier,
            Services Activity (AFSVA) to revise its approach from the   more convenient items on trend with commercially avail-
            Food Transformation Initiative (FTI).             able opportunities. Not everything has to be healthy, just
                                                              healthier. Simply reducing portion sizes into more snack-
             Col. Donna Turner: The Air Force began testing the   like recipes, sized right, and presented as small plates is a
          Food Transformation Initiative in 2008. It was designed to   huge hit. Consumers want customizable recipes, made to
          modernize Air Force business processes while determin-  order and finished in front of them. They’re also looking
          ing more efficient means of meeting customer needs and   for “worlds of flavors” as global cuisine and fusion culi-
          desires. The initiative proved to be a great success; it was   nary evolve. One of our most recent concept rotations was
          praised by customers and it provided improvement for   Bibim-Box, Korean fusion. It was highly successful and we
          business programs. Today, the initiative is referred to as   received great feedback from our customers.
          Food 2.0, and program elements have been incorporated
          across the Air Force Food Service business enterprise.  Government Food Service: Last year’s Commander’s
                                                                Update responses mentioned a dining facility design guide
            Government Food Service: How many bases have been   for future construction. How is this progressing?
            modernized under Food 2.0 since FTI began in 2008 to the
            end of 2017? Has AFSVA selected the next set of installa-  Turner: The master planning of our future Food and
            tions for renovation?                             Beverage operations is long overdue. We have charted 2018
                                                              to build an interactive design guide using modules of core
             Turner: As of January 2018, 19 installations were   components that can be assembled to meet installation
          operating under the Food 2.0 concept. Initial site visits   needs. This building block approach will allow installa-
          have been conducted to bring the next seven proposed   tions to design key resources needed to modernize our
          locations on board.                                 future. We have learned from our industry partners that
                                                              changing our physical plant will not only make us more
            Government Food Service: Are any changes being planned   efficient, but provide operational platforms that better
            or a next phase being readied for after Food 2.0?    meet the needs of our changing customers.

             Turner: Food 2.0 continues to evolve. Concept “re-  Government Food Service: Talk about how the changes
          freshes,” new menus, and implementation of innovative   being made to food service have improved dining facility
          technology to better meet customer needs is an everyday   utilization rates and the number of meals served.
                                                                 Turner: Food 2.0 and our modernization efforts made
            Government Food Service: What is AFSVA learning about   our operations considerably more efficient and more desir-
            what airmen want from food service and how does that   able for all customers. We’re providing more of what they
            influence Food 2.0 plans?                         want, so they are using our facilities more often. Essential

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