Page 23 - gfs0418_Magazine
P. 23

U.S. Army Sgt. James Munar, a
         culinary specialist with the 605th                                              U.S. Army Pfc. Jad King assigned to HHB,
         Transportation Detachment, 8th                                                  DIVARTY prepares croutons from scratch
         Special Troops Battalion, 8th The-                                              to be used for salads at the Culinary Arts
         ater Sustainment Command, helps                                                 Training Facility on Feb. 23, 2018. King has
         prepare lunch with his soldiers on   for our needs, and the U.S. Army   dining facilities. The testing   been a culinary specialist for two years in
         board the Logistic Support Vessel                                               the Army. (Photo by Sgt. Gin-Sophie De
         the CW3 Harold A. Clinger (LSV-2)   Natick staff, which is the research   location is Kaiserslautern,   Bellotte, USA, 82nd Airborne Division.)
         40-miles south of Joint Base Pearl   and development arm of combat   Germany. The implementa-
         Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. (Photo   rations.               tion for Army-wide release is currently under development.
         by Staff Sgt. Melissa Parrish, U.S.
         Army Pacific Public Affairs Office.)  Other partners include policy
                                developing organizations like the   Government Food Service: The Army began using the
            USDA and DoD Food and Nutrition Committee; safe-food-  military occupational specialty code culinary specialist in
            practice supporters like the Public Health Command; lead-  2016, replacing the former food service personnel term. A
            ership components from the Army G4 Pentagon; and a    new Army Garrison Culinary Uniform (AGCU) was also ap-
            robust food industry of manufacturers and suppliers.  proved and was to be rolled out by the end of fiscal 2017.
                                                                  Please update us on whether this was completed and how
              Government Food Service: Explain JCCoE’s support to   it is being received.
              contingency operations and contribution to subsistence in
              areas of responsibility.                             Coleman: The new Garrison Food Service Uniform
                                                                (GFSU) was released in January 2016. The uniform release
               Coleman: The Concept Systems and Policy division   is still following the rollout plan, and all continental U.S.
            (CSPD) supports all current areas of responsibility via tele-  installation fielding will be completed by end of fourth
            conferences, audits, technical panels and Food Service   quarter 2018. The original schedule was for completion in
            Management Board attendance. CSPD controls the con-  fiscal year 2018. There were some production issues early
            tingency menus on behalf of JCCoE and Department of   on but these have been resolved and have not delayed
            the Army G4. This includes working with Army Central   release. The Army food service community is extremely
            Command, DLA-TS and subsistence prime vendors for   pleased with the update to the food service uniform. It
            catalog maintenance, Army Buyer’s Guide compliance to   has provided a significant increase in morale.
            standard and supply chain fitness.
                                                                  Government Food Service: The Army’s Food Manage-
              Government Food Service: Discuss progress the Army is   ment Assistance Team (FMAT) contributes to maintaining
              making with plans to update the Automated Food Manage-  and improving the quality and efficiency of the Army Food
              ment System (AFMIS) to process Subsistence in Kind (SIK)   Program. It was scheduled to visit 29 installations in 2017.
              and Non-SIK diners. Did the credit card pilot begin in 2017   Please update us on this program and its contribution.
              and is implementation underway?
                                                                   Coleman: The FMAT visited 24 installations during
               Coleman: Army released two pilot programs in fiscal   fiscal year 2017 (three overseas and 21 stateside). Overall
            year 2017. The first was in conjunction with Department   evaluation results were: three, Commendable; 11, Excel-
            of the Army G1 and G4 sections to place the meal entitle-  lent; four, Success; and six, Needs Improvement. FMAT
            ment code on the common access card. This will allow for   provided additional assistance to those installations that
            SIK and non-SIK diners to be recognized. There are two   received needs improvement.
            testing locations: Fort Gordon, Georgia, and Joint Base   During FMAT visits, the team provided training on
            Myer-Henderson Hall, Virginia. The plan for Army-wide   Over the Counter Channel Application Net, Account Man-
            implementation is being developed. The second pilot pro-  agement, Inventory Management, IMT Menu Standards,
            gram uses debit and credit card machines for payment in the   implementation of Go for Green (G4G 2.0) and Contract-

                                                                        GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE • APRIL 2018
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