Page 18 - gfs0418_Magazine
P. 18


       A culinary specialist assigned to
       3rd Battalion, 7th Field Artillery
       Regiment, 25th Division Artillery,                                              Inspired by his father, a WWII Quarter-
       25th Infantry Division, places                                                  master Veteran, Young, left, applied to
       breakfast steaks on a grill inside                                              West Point, selected Quartermaster as
       a field kitchen at Fort Polk, La.                                                his specialty and served in many logistics
       (Photo by Staff Sgt. Armando R.   random inspections will help keep   Young:  For  CONUS   positions, culminating in his current tour
       Limon, USA, 3rd Brigade Combat   manufacturers on track. USDA will   acquisitions, we continue   as director of subsistence, DLA Troop
        Team, 25th Infantry Division.)                                                  Support. (Photo by DLA Troop Support)
                              also inspect records of products they   to work solicitations that
          don’t observe being inspected and can prevent nonconform-  were issued in late 2016 and 2017 using best-value tradeoff
          ing products from being shipped. This change represents   procedures. Tradeoff procedures differ from Low Pricing
          a move away from the National Contracts concept, which   Technically Acceptable (LPTA) procedures in that trad-
          allows all businesses, including small businesses, to have   eoff procedures allow the government to accept proposals
          a greater opportunity to sell their products to the PVs, as   other than the lowest priced proposal or other than the
          long as they meet the quality requirements specified in   highest technically rated offer. Under LPTA procedures,
          the item description.                               the best value to the government is considered to be the
             Additional requirements for the automated submission   proposal that is technically acceptable and provides the
          of MPA pricing by manufacturers are in the design phase   lowest evaluated price. Using tradeoff procedures results
          and are intended to simplify the evaluation process and   in a longer evaluation process, since it permits tradeoffs
          improve the timeliness and accuracy of our output.  among the non-price and price factors to determine the
             Our focus is on making improvements to the MPA   competitive range for negotiations and, ultimately, the
          program first before making changes to the NAPA program.  contract award.
                                                                 Going forward, as we relentlessly pursue customer sat-
            Government Food Service: The plan involves transitioning   isfaction, our expectation is that CONUS will use both
            both programs to a Global Pricing Agreement (GPA). How   methods to solicit proposals. The determination to use
            are these plans progressing? How would the GPA work?   LPTA or best value procedures is based on individual fac-
            Would GPA replace both programs? Would MPA and NAPA   tors to be considered, region by region.
            be merged?                                           We’ve made numerous enhancements to the follow-on
                                                              Subsistence OCONUS prime vendor solicitations. These
             Young: In an effort to strengthen warfighter readiness   enhancements are intended to ensure the warfighters’ re-
          and lethality in a cost-conscious manner, we are currently   quirements are met in uncertain contingency environments.
          making improvements to the MPA program. Once the
          improvements are made, we will review feedback from   Government Food Service: Also, instead of structuring
          industry on the planned changes to the NAPA program.   contracts with a base period and options, solicitations will
          Based on the comments received to date, changes for the   utilize tiered-pricing periods. Explain how this works and is
          NAPA program may vary from those planned for the MPA   this just OCONUS or CONUS, as well?
          program. Once completed, we anticipate the changes to
          the NAPA and MPA program will lead to the new GPA      Young: It is anticipated that both types of approaches
          program. The resultant program is intended to focus on   will be used in upcoming CONUS solicitations. The recently
          having the manufacturer put its “best price” forward for   awarded Utah region contract included a four-year tiered
          the benefit of the warfighter and our other customers.  performance approach, with two performance periods of
                                                              two years each. The determination to use tiered perfor-
            Government Food Service: Any changes in strategy or   mance periods, or base and option periods, will be based
            terms? In responses last year, prime vendor contracts would   on individual factors to be considered region by region.
            be awarded in 2017 on the basis of best value tradeoff.
            Explain what that is and how it is working?

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