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          Army is                  Conquering

          Goals to Modernize Its Food Service

                             Lt. Col. Byron Coleman, USA, Director, Joint Culinary

                           Center of Excellence and the Army Food Service Program

            Government Food Service: The JCCoE held a Partnership   nificantly since 2009 with more
            Day in September 2017. Please tell us what it is, how it   than 13 installations participat-
            went and about any plans for one in 2018?         ing. Currently, the program is be-
                                                              ing restructured to meet needs of
             Lt. Col. Byron T. Coleman: In September 2017, JC-  the soldiers based on operations
          CoE hosted a successful partnership day with 55 industry   tempo. The American Culinary
          and strategic members attending and providing positive   Federation recently introduced   Coleman
          feedback and reviews. All partners agreed the event and   the possibility of a 1,000-hour
          program is essential in forging and reinforcing relationships   credentialing program that may better suit the culinar-
          to ensure the Department of Defense subsistence require-  ians of the Army food service community. We will assess
          ments are met with the right products and capabilities.   this option further once the restructuring of our current
          The JCCoE will host the 17th annual session at a date to   program is complete. This is an Army-funded program
          be determined in 2018.                              and not open to other military services.

            Government Food Service: JCCoE also hosts the Joint   Government Food Service: Please also discuss JCCoE’s
            Services Operational Rations Forum each year. Please tell   cooperation with other organizations.
            us about this year’s discussions, including any changes in
            combat field feeding programs, rations and other topics.  Coleman: The JCCoE Concepts, System and Policy
                                                              Division works hand-in-hand with Defense Logistics Agency
             Coleman: JCCoE hosted the Joint Service Operations   – Troop Support (DLA-TS), Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps,
          Rations Forum Feb. 8. Discussions and objectives during   American Culinary Federation, National Restaurant As-
          the government-only meeting covered information and   sociation, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), U.S.
          decisions affecting the Joint Services Combat Ration Pro-  Department of Commerce, Defense Contract Management
          gram. The meeting was attended by military services food   Agency and numerous commercial companies to ensure
          program leads: the Natick Combat Rations Directorate,   the highest quality and service that we can afford is pro-
          Massachusetts; Defense Logistics Agency – Troop Support,   vided to the warfighter.
          Military Rations, Philadelphia; and a number of auxiliary   The Quality Assurance Division (QUAD) recognizes the
          organizations that impacted and provided value to the   important and far-reaching complexities of all the intrica-
          deliberations. All areas from service need, research and   cies of being a part of one of the world’s most complex,
          development and acquisition were addressed.         but best-run international food service programs with over
                                                              $5 billion of sales.
            Government Food Service: Tell us about the Army’s 92G   The Army Food Program touches everybody in the food
            credentialing program with the American Culinary Federation   world from farm to fork, wholesale and retail, and provider
            and National Restaurant Association. How has it changed   to supplier. QUAD’s objective is to focus on combat field
            since it began in 2009? Is participation growing? Are there   feeding and provide quality input into all other aspects
            any plans to open participation to the other services?  of the program. The list of supporting organizations and
                                                              partners is vast and grows weekly.
             Coleman: The Army 92G, food service specialist, mili-  Primary partners include: DLA-TS, whose contract manag-
          tary occupation series credentialing program has grown sig-  ers establish prime vendor and manufacturing relationship

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