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            When Wrongs Make Right

                     Ney Evaluations Polish Navy Culinary Teams to Shine Bright

              avy galley and culinary teams evaluated for this year’s   U.S. NAVY NEY AWARD
              Capt. Edward F. Ney Memorial awards for food service
          Nexcellence benefit from the professional development      Naval Supply Systems Command
          gained while being assessed at work by the judges who                  (NAVSUP)
          select the winners.
             Teams competing for the Ney award learn to perform                  Commander
          to higher culinary standards, which makes the evaluation      Rear Adm. Jonathan A. Yuen, SC, USN
          process as much a training opportunity that improves es-
          sential skills as a contest to determine award winners.              Vice Commander
             Feedback that each competing team’s members receive,              Michael T. Madden
          as judges perform the evaluations, educate and inform
          about processes that can improve daily work in the galley              Chief of Staff
          and result in better food service for Navy personnel.            Capt. Eric A. Morgan, SC, USN
             In the eyes of the Navy, its galleys and culinary teams
          perform with such a high level of skill and expertise that   Supply Operations and Logistics Policy Fleet
                                                                        Services Support Division Director
          the job of selecting winners is challenging.                     Capt. Robert Williams, SC, USN
             “Congratulations to the 2017 Captain Edward F. Ney
          Award winners,” said then Navy Food Service Director at         Director of Navy Food Service
          the Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Cmdr. Keith           Lt. Cmdr. Scott Wilson, SC, USN
                                                                           Ney Program Coordinator
                                                                                Cheryl Hernandez
              The 2017 Captain Edward F. Ney winners:
                                                                               Evaluation Team
                                                                            Cmdr. Danny King, SC, USN
                       SUBMARINE CATEGORY                           Chief Warrant Officer 5 Alicia Lawrence, SC, USN
                                                                     Chief Warrant Officer 5 Theresa Payne, SC, USN
                      USS Missouri (SSN 780)

            Home Port: Groton, Conn.
            Commanding Officer: Cmdr. Fraser P. Hudson
            Executive Officer: Lt. Cmdr. Jonathan B. Cantor
            Chief of the Boat: STSCS Rajpaul S. Sodhi

            Total Number Culinary Specialists: 7
            Total Food Service Attendants: 6                          King         Lawrence       Payne
            Total number of meals served per day: 1,095
                                                                   Navy military food service evaluators traveled extensively
                                                                   to complete 18 Ney evaluations around the world in 2017.
                                                                   They traveled the globe to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Athens,
                                                                   Greece; Souda Bay, Crete; Yokosuka, Japan; Sigonella, Italy;
                                                                   Guam; Kings Bay, Ga.; San Diego, Calif.; Norfolk, Va.;
                                                                   Groton, Conn.; and other locations. These Navy general
                                                                   messes were evaluated for menu planning, preparation,
                                                                   acceptability, management, training, safety, sanitation,
                                                                   shipboard solid and plastics waste management, and
                                                                           facilities, equipment and utensils.

          18   GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE • MAY 2017
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