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          it recognizes outstanding customer
          service, sanitation, and safety obser-
          vances, fiscal accountability, and food
          that tastes great,” said Karin George,
          Navy Installations Command (NIC)
          Ashore galley program manager. “Win-
          ning the Ney Award means that the
          efforts of the entire galley staff were
          recognized by senior leadership. No one                     AIRCRAFT CARRIER CATEGORY
          person wins the Ney for the operation.                             ***WINNER***
          It takes the entire galley team to ensure that every day
          the service is consistently outstanding.”                  USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76)
             Navy teams prove themselves worthy of the Ney by
          performing consistently over an extended set of evalu-  Home Port: San Diego, Calif.
                                                            Commanding Officer: Capt. Michael P. Donnelly
          ations. “The Ney process begins a year prior with local   Executive Officer: Capt. Paul J. Lanzilotta
          and region assessments, followed by a NIC inspector’s   Supply Officer: Cmdr. Michael S. Carl, SC, USN
          visit and nomination,” she said. “Following those as-  Food Service Officer: CWO4 Brian T. Ware, SC, USN
          sessments, [NAVSUP] conducts the final round of in-  Leading Culinary Specialist: CPO (SW/AW/IW) Gerald T. Paulo
          spections and selects the best overall galley operation.”
             Ney winners earn the award each year with top per-  Total Number Culinary Specialists: 114
          formers emerging from among more than 300 galleys   Total Food Service Attendants: 120
          afloat and 82 ashore. “We have 82 ashore galley opera-  Total Number of Meals Served Per Day: 18,000
          tions within NIC, so selection as the winner of the Ney
          speaks volumes to the outstanding service, pride and   YEAR-ROUND PERFORMANCE
          professionalism demonstrated by the winning operation,”   Teams enjoy the honor of winning the Ney and consider
          added George.                                       it the culmination of a job well done. This year’s Large
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