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                       Dining Facility Focuses Airmen on Unit’s Heritage

              he 130th Airlift Wing’s newly
           Tremodeled dining facility at
          McLaughlin Air National Guard Base,
          Charleston, W.VA, breaks from the past
          by giving airmen the amenities a mod-
          ern building can offer, while carefully
          preserving the unit’s rich history.
             “When I took command of the wing
          in 2015, I believed, as I still do, that
          it’s important for those serving now to
          understand the deep heritage we have
          here at McLaughlin Air National Guard
          Base,” said Col. Johnny Ryan, 130th
          AW commander.                      Major General James A. Hoyer, right, the adjutant general for the State of West Virginia, and Col. Johnny M.
             West Virginia Army and Air National   Ryan, Jr., 130 AW wing commander, cut the ribbon to officially open the Props & Wings dining facility during
          Guard leadership and command staff   its dedication on March 4, 2018. The newly designed dining facility features a historical timeline of its rich Air
                                                      Force heritage. (Photo by Tech. Sgt. De-Juan Haley, West Virginia U.S.A.N.G.)
          members were on hand when the 130th
          Airlift Wing unveiled its “Props and   from modern-day West Virginia to join   gather around the dinner table daily
          Wings” dining facility on March 4, 2018.  the Continental Army during the Bee-  and we would grow as a family. That
             The first stage of the remodel was   line March.”                 is my hope for this dining facility, that
          completed in November 2017 with      Ryan said in closing, “When I was   this gives our airmen a place to celebrate
          the installation of booth seating, new   a kid growing up, my family would   our heritage and grow as a unit.”
          furniture and custom tile floors. The
          final stage was completed in February            Coast Guard MWR Gains
          with adornment of the wall with past
          and current images and a unit history           New Director of Programs
          in the form of a timeline, which greets
          visitors to the dining facility.        ary Scheer has retired                of Management and Budget
             “What you see here is a culmination  Gafter a 44-year career               (OMB) for Escambia County,
          of Col. Ryan’s vision and the hard work   that combined active duty           Fla. In 1997, he returned to
          from members of the enlisted councils,”   and federal service, most           service with the Coast Guard
          said 130th AW Command Chief Master   recently as director of Coast            in a civilian role as the direc-
          Sgt. Kevin Cecil. “The team assembled   Guard Morale, Well-Being and          tor of Morale, Well-Being and
          really carried the water for this, and   Recreation (MWR) programs.           Recreation (MWR).
          as you can see, they really nailed the   His successor at Coast                  He spent the next 21
          commander’s intent.”               Guard MWR is Cmdr. Matt                    years in the position and
             The dining facility adornments were   Perciak, former executive of-        achieved numerous high-
          contracted and designed by Mark Wolfe,   ficer of the Coast Guard Com-  Scheer  lights that shaped the direc-
          of Mark Wolfe Design, and installation   munity Services Command (CGCSC).  tion of Coast Guard MWR and other
          was completed by Bill Price and Greg   Scheer’s retirement on March 30,   services.
          Harold. Senior Master Sgt. Joe Hinch-  2018, fulfills a career that began in   Scheer drafted the first Coast Guard
          man, Senior Master Sgt. Kevin Chest-  1976 when he graduated from the U.S.   MWR manual, streamlining the pro-
          nut, Senior Master Sgt. Travis Walker,   Coast Guard Academy and began a 20-  grams and policies for standardization.
          Master Sgt. Bob Barker and Tech. Sgt.   year active-duty military career that   He was a critical contributor to the es-
          Eugene Crist all had a hand in the final   included serving in several operation   tablishment of the CGCSC, including
          selection of pictures and placement.  and staff assignments. His active-duty   leadership that led to centralizing MWR
             “I am excited about what I see here   service included several afloat tours,   and Coast Guard Exchange functions
          and the initiatives taken to focus the   as well as being commanding officer   to operate more efficiently.
          airmen of this wing on its heritage,” said   and group commander at several sites.   He utilized the new CSC command
          Maj. Gen. James Hoyer, the adjutant   The pinnacle of his active-duty service   structure to bring outside investment
          general of the West Virginia National   is considered when he served as chief,   to support MWR programs throughout
          Guard. “It’s collectively important for   Budget Coordination Staff in the Of-  the Coast Guard and began a centralized
          us as an organization to understand   fice of Personnel and Training at Coast   commercial sponsorship program. Since
          whose shoulders we stand on and the   Guard Headquarters.            2013, these commercial sponsorships
          heritage we draw from as descendants   After retiring from active duty in   have generated over $280,000 in fund-
          of those 98 militia men that marched   1996, Scheer briefly worked for the Office   ing from USAA and GEICO for Coast
          4    GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE • MAY 2018
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