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          centers that make sense.                            effectiveness is limited to how good the recipient list is.
             Design begins by deciding on the basic flow process,   Street teams visit people who live and work nearby, he
          or the ratio of the restaurant space that is devoted to   said. “Don’t just stand there, go and get some customers.”
          front- and back-of-the-house uses. Typical front-to-back   Promotional messages leverage something the restaurant
          ratios are 50-50 and 55-45, Varnum suggested, and the   has, and should be used for a while to be effective and
          next decisions involve selecting equipment and deciding   reduce costs by spreading it out over time. It should be
          where it goes.                                      strong enough to drive incremental business by motivat-
             Within the back-of-the-house plan are decisions affect-  ing customers to come in, and be unique compared with
          ing the flow of food from the receiving lane on through   nearby competitors. “Nobody’s going to come to your
          preparation and serving, including storage, quality control   restaurant for a 10 percent discount; people will take it, but
          and whether or not to devote space to a manager’s office.  it won’t drive business,” he said. “People want to support
             Menus significantly influence equipment choices. The   restaurants that care about the things they care about.”
          right pieces have to be in place, and some single units are   Sales marketing plans are built to get customers to
          versatile enough to perform multiple functions and cut   spend more. “As restaurateurs, we don’t want to discount
          down the amount of kitchen equipment needed. “Do I   every time,” he said.
          have the right pieces of equipment?” Varnum said. “Do   Nolan suggested building a possible marketing platform
          I have everything I need to make that cycle happen?”  by partnering with local community organizations.
             Versatility also helps maintain production flow when   Executing an approach to business requires being pur-
          equipment breaks down.
             “Research, don’t be afraid
          to research,” he said. “Plan for   Culinary specialists visiting the Sysco booth
                                        on the National Restaurant Association
          the long term; these are high   Show floor learn about the company’s
          investments.”                 role in supplying the items used in dining
             The basic questions to ask   facilities to prepare daily meals
          when planning a restaurant
          kitchen, he said, are: what
          is on the menu? how many
          meals will be served per day?
          how many people are being
          served? and how do you want
          to prepare the items?
             Peter Nolan, principal, 5th
          P Marketing, emphasized the
          value of building a marketing
          infrastructure to effectively
          communicate a message and
          attract customers.
             His three key components
          of a marketing program are:
          a plan for the initiative being put                                              A team of culinary specialists
          into the marketplace; a calendar for                                             works to design a dining facil-
          arranging when and where imple-                                                  ity from scratch as part of the
          mentation will occur; and a budget.                                               three-day training program.
             The first step is to make a
          thoughtful plan before beginning                                                  poseful and thought-
          any creative work. That involves                                                  ful about identifying
          understanding the difference be-                                                  which aspects need to
          tween the message and a platform,                                                 be improved, such as
          he said, explaining that the message                                              a particular day part,
          is a promotional idea, like burger                                                building take-out or
          month, while the platform is the                                                  delivery.
          place where it is communicated,
          such as a table tent, email or window banner.       PLANNING BEGINS
             Once a message is settled on, then it can be executed   After the classroom instruction, the military culinary
          across different platforms. “A good marketing plan is a   specialists were organized into four teams and spent the
          marriage of opportunity and resources,” he said.    afternoon receiving some additional training before be-
             Email marketing is an easy way for a business to get   ing separated into the four teams to begin planning the
          its message out to existing customers; the problem is that   dining facilities.              —Continued
          18   GOVERNMENT FOOD SERVICE • JULY 2017
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